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BPnet : Information Society Observatory in the Atlantic Space (ATLANTISBPnet)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Mar 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project seeks to contribute to the development of the Information Society by setting up an instrument which will enable fast dissemination of best practices in the different sectors in this field. This means obtaining information on the extent to which Information and Communication Technologies are used in the Atlantic Area using transversal analysis criteria and criteria specifically adapted to the different sectors (cultural, administrative, technological, sociological and economic). The project thus seeks to create an Observatory of best practices for the information society in the Atlantic Area with a relay in each of the regional centres. Achievements: ✔ Development of a common methodology leading to the identification and analysis of projects to promote the Information Society, which can be identified as "Good Practices", (108 "Good Practices" have been identified), ✔ An accompanying guide of "Regional centres" for the representatives: Definition of the roles of the partner representatives who conducted the identification and analysis process, the functions associated with these roles, and their working systems, ✔ Protocol for membership of the network ObservatoriumBPnet (Observatory of Good Practices in the Information Society), ✔ Creation of a digital observatory of good practice projects facilitating the detection, analysis and publication of projects of 108 good practices in the Atlantic Area, supported by a virtual network used by the partner representatives (17 entities collaborated on this ✔ Observatory resulting in 10 cooperation projects from the Observatory), ✔ Website in 3 languages – 14,820 visits -: ✔ Creation of an intranet site: to ensure the coordination, cooperation and pooling of the work done during this project, ✔ Application of the method for analysing projects in the Information Society proposed in the four regions, ✔ Implementation of a cooperation network with other regions in the Atlantic Area, European and international, helping to identify potential partners for the Observatory, ✔ 6 workshops organised specifically for the ATLANTIS BP NET project (Meetings, conferences and radio programme): 339 participants (Public organisations, local development agencies, private companies, associations, training centres, etc.), ✔ Setting up a European and international network: digital and traditional Communication Plan, ✔ Participation in 4 national Forums (1 per country –1,215 people present) concerning the Information Society and an international Forum in which 44 European Regions participated, ITC fair for information, presentation and promotion of ATLANTIS BP NET, – 150 "active" visitors, ✔ Brochures disseminated in three languages (1,000 copies), promotional posters in English and Spanish, ✔ 18 press articles in Spain and Portugal (on websites (specialised and public) and in specialised magazines) in direct relation with the "Observatory", ✔ The project ATLANTIC BP NET continues to develop thanks to the results obtained (Method for analysing "Good practices", management model and digital observation) which can be capitalised in new programmes for 2007-2013.

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  • 56.4%   656 136,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants