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'Boundless - let's move together' / Begegnungen zwischen Bremen und Bethlehem
Start date: Aug 15, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ‚LidiceHaus’ Bremen and the Diyar Dance Theatre Group of the International Center Bethlehem are partner in the International Youth Exchange program called ‘Boundless’. 20 girls and boys in the age of 16 – 24 took part in this project in the period between November 2014 and April 2015. It was our purpose to deal with visible and hidden boundaries and obstacles which prevents Youth often to express their dreams and wishes. Dreaming about freedom, expressing fears and hope: Christian and Muslim boys and girls of both societies were invited to express their feelings and their situation via Dance Theatre and Community Dance. Youth from the so called ‘Western World’ and the ‘Arab World’ were invited to meet, to dialogue, to dance and to move together and to find new ways of communication. We aimed to strengthen diversity competences and respect – among the own heterogeneous group and between the international partner groups. Diversity - and diverse religious societies - should no longer be a reason for fear and threats. Diversity is enriching our lives. We aimed to ‘open the eyes’ and to widen the horizon and understanding of the young participants. Beside these ‘soft skills’ we wanted to foster the professional competences of the Youth in arts: through Community Dance and Dance Theatre the young people will ‘grow’ and gain more self – confidence and awareness. This new ‘melange’ of Culture, Youth work and educational work will provide our participants also with new tools of encouragement in their surrounding and life. We want to strengthen their ‘peer to peer’ engagement and want to motivate them in their civic engagement. This project – which included also two international Exchange programs in Bethlehem and Bremen and Dance Theatre training as well – can be a kind of ‘model’ for project partnerships between Youth work, schools and Cultural institutions. We want to reach out to other Youth and their multipliers: the planned shows and presentations in Bethlehem and Bremen will give them new inspirations. The LidiceHaus is partner in ‘Commune goes International’ and member in the roof organisation ‘Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten’: these are platforms for sustainable and long term project developments. The International Center Bethlehem – together with it’s own school and college – offers as well great opportunities for a sustainable work. The whole project was accompanied through a filming team: the ‘Coach international Bremen’ team of the ServiceBureau Bremen offered a qualification for filming teams in order to produce a professional documentary. The documentary of this project will be finished i a short time. A first public preview of the documentary was schedulded for the 12'th of June.
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