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Border Region Studies – Development and Implementation of Educational Programmes Dealing with Border and Peripheral Regions in the EU
Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Dec 30, 2004 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of the project was to raise the border area expertise of the educational organisations of East Finland to an internationally renowned and acknowledged level. Th is would entail the improvement of education and its content, developing teaching materials and creating an extensive joint educational network as well as improving operations. Immediate goals included the development of virtual learning, raising the quality of teaching, improving the availability of teaching materials, production of teaching materials in cooperation with the Russians and improving the conditions for business activities through the development of education. It was also the intention to off er the personnel of the educational organisations training in the Russian language. In addition, the project aimed at starting the implementation of the supplied learning materials and thus intensifying the cooperation between other Russian research and educational institutions. Achievements: The project produced three e-learning courses. The Introduction to the Economic Geography of North-West Russian and The Many Faces of Karelia were produced in broad cooperation between the Finnish and Russian researchers. New series of lectures were ordered from researchers in Russia and particularly from those in the Republic of Karelia. Also, a e-learning course for entrepreneurship studies was produced, which also included a network bank for material on statistics about Russia both as a whole and divided into sectors. A multimedia course called The Russians travel in Finland was also produced in connection with the project. The course was a joint effort between tour operators and travel companies operating in the Republic of Karelia, in order to take the best possible advantage of the entrepreneurs experiences. The result was a concise summary of the experiences of travel companies in East Finland with Russian tourists and tour operators. Additionally, a 183-page Finnish-Russian-Finnish health care vocabulary How Are You? was produced with the project in both printed and CD/ROM versions, as well as a textbook entitled Business Across Borders: Business Experiences of Small and Medium-Sized Companies in North Karelia and the Republic of Karelia. Th e book describes cross-border business activities between Finland and Russia of small and medium-sized companies operating in North Karelia and the Republic of Karelia in the 1990s. In order to improve the Russian language skills of the personnel of the learning institutions, a three-month intensive course was organised at the Continuing Education Centre of University of Joensuu. The produced teaching materials were introduced during the project, and their implementation was started. Web and multimedia courses were utilised by 40 universities of applied sciences and seven universities through the Alexander Institute of the University of Helsinki, which coordinates national Masters and research programmes related to Russia. The materials were also used by, among others, the Centre of Russia and the Baltic of the Helsinki School of Economics and the Bank of Finlands Institute for Economies in Transition.
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  • 96.1%   513 367,16
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

6 Partners Participants