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Boosting the knowledge triangle by establishing Innovation Offices in Ukrainian higher education institutions
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

This Projets’s overall objective is to increase the relevance and capacities of Ukrainian partner universities in contributing to knowledge based economic development, and to mobilize their potential as key players in the Ukrainian innovation system, by stimulating structural reforms via the implementation of sustainable innovation support structures and services. The project aims to achieve this ambitious goal by pursuing the following operational objectives:* To sustainably strengthen strategic, managerial and administrative capacities of 6 Ukrainian universities in identifying, managing and generating value from their intangible assets, and enhancing participation in cooperative research activities, through implementation of a series of targeted capacity building measures;* To promote the innovation culture within Ukrainian HEIs through the establishment and implementation of Innovation offices and innovation support services at 6 Ukrainian Universities; The project will bring about the following innovative changes at institutional level of the Ukrainian partner Universities:* Reform and modernisation of the institutional strategies, managerial and organizational capacities of 6 Ukrainian Universities, thus enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of universities* Modernisation of university structures: creation of Innovation Offices at 6 Universities in charge of: awareness creation and promotion of research and innovation among university staff and students, support researchers in implementation of research an innovation projects, enhance participation of the Universities in international projects and programmes; detection and valorisation of research results; creating strategic relationships with industry; liaisons and relations with potential sponsors.*Building innovation culture -development of skills, capacities and attitudes of staff and students for research, technology transfer and innovation activities;*Development of information resources, databases and strategies for communication between universities and their environments, including other universities, governmental authorities and the business sector.

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12 Partners Participants