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Boosting Employability: VET Traineeships in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Centre d'Estudis Sant Francesc is a VET school willing to improve the implementation of processes for better internationalizing its students. Currently CESF is offering Intermediate Vocational Programmes for Commerce (Retail), Carers, Auxiliary Nursing Assistants and Computer Technicians. Also, for those students who could not finish the compulsory secondary education, a course in the field of Computing is offered. Short-degree cycles are also taught in different areas such as business, computers or community services (Early Childhood Education and Social Integration). What the school needs is the following: 1) students need more foreign language skills (especially English) and some type of added value (internships abroad) in order to increase their employability, and 2) we need better prepared teachers in foreign languages and CLIL methodology to provide more content in English and make students have more contact with the language in the classes, epecially in the field of VET and the courses described above. Activities: A1) for students, 6 flows to UK, Ireland and Malta in different periods (March / April and June / July) are proposed for traineeships in companies. It is strongly recommended to go to Cork to students whose area of expertise is Health and Care. In total 35 students will be travelling to do their internships abroad in groups of 5, and in some cases, in the summer, 10. A2) for teachers, a five-day course related to CLIL is suggested. Maximum 5 teachers. To carry out the project, we wilk talk to students who are likely to take part in it to make them aware of the importance of these traineeship periods. As for the training activity for teachers, the idea that it is a unique opportunity will be emphasized. The selection process is meant to be very objective and, once selected, participants will be monitored by the sending institution as well as by the host organization. At the end of the project, students' results will be analyzed from the point of view of employability and language learning. As for the staff, the implementation of the CLIL methodology in their classes will be evaluated. CESF is aiming at increasing the number of well-prepared students in the VET sector who can afterwards enrol in any course in the field of Higher Vocational Training, and actually grow their employability. As for teachers, they will be encouraged to use in their lessons the techniques learned in the course. In the long term, CESF will innovate in methodology and may offer modules in English as it happens in many other schools where CLIL is the norm. As for students, we understand that the traineeships will help them get into Higher Vocational Training, gain greater experience and achieve a better future job.
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