European Projects
BOOSTing Competences
BOOSTing Competences
Start date: Aug 1, 2014,
End date: Jul 31, 2016
YA - Vocational College of Ostrobothnia ( YA ) continually strives to develop its activities, to improve the quality of training and test new methods of learning. Through mobility projects such as BOOSTING Competences (BOOSTing ), YA promotes exchange of knowledge in co-operation with other European VET educators and organisations . 3.5.2011 YA adopted a Pedagogical Program, ACTIVE LEARNING , where the organization strives to provide opportunities for students so that they can achieve their individual goals. Active learning focuses on a number of competencies that YA considers important for personal development, personal success and lifelong learning. These competencies equivalent skills an entrepreneur needs to succeed, strong will, ambition, initiative , motivation , responsibility , teamwork etc.
The objective is to motivate students and staff to enhance their skills and abilities through knowledge exchange, international and intercultural experiences but also to anchor the Pedagogical Program in the organization focusing on active learning. The same applies to ECVET routines, mobility arrangements, focus on learning outcomes and procedures regarding recognition of competences aquired in other countries or contexts. YA should recognize and value the knowledge the students have and understand how previous knowledge affects the learning process. Learning should be socialized and individualized eg through individual study paths. Entrepreneurial , ie active learning can be seen as a holistic approach in the work of trainers and activities of YA. The better active learning is implemented in the learning process the more YA can motivate the student to become an independent and active knowledge seeker - an Active Learner and Entrepreneur, ie an European citizen with good prospects for an active working life or further studies.
In order to solidly anchor the Pedagogical Program YA needs identifiable activities that are directly linked to the program. The project consists of the following activities :
1. Knowledge sexchange for staff through job shadowing / study visits
2. On-the-job learnings periods abroad for students
3. Knowledge exchange through study visits for two groups of department managers and management representatives
To introduce active learning in practice, the teaching staff, the organization and tthe pedagogical leadership should have common goals. YA need a teaching staff that is willing and able to help each student to develop their potential and their self- knowledge as well as to achieve their individual goals in tearms of education , qualification, employment or further studies. For this to succeed YA needs:
- Teaching staff with relevant competences and values
- An organization that supports the development and support of Active Learning
- Educational leadership that supports and leads the educational work and development
The entrepreneurial and active learning is also a goal-oriented approach to organize and manage the college. It is a strategy for developing activities and a process-oriented teaching form . Entrepreneurial learning is not about educating self-employed entrepreneurs, but to prepare students for the challenges of modern society by taking advantage of and stimulating competences that are usually attributed to entrepreneurs, such as motivation, initiative , ambition, sense of responsibility and teamwork skills . Active learning is based on the students' active role in their own learning process and the ability to self-leadership - both regarding the students' studies at YA but also the life as active, self-regulating individuals. On-the-job learning periods abroad for students is a unique way to promote students' language skills, self-esteem, ambition and motivation as well as enhancing vocational competence and cultural awareness .
The target groups of this project are students , teachers, other staff, department managers and management representatives. 30 students, 12 accompanying teachers and 30 staff representatives are offered the opportunity to exchange knowledge, to update their competences and acquire new knowledge in their own professional field in another European country .
Knowledge exchange enhances the professional competence of staff but at the same time it also gives new insights on the internationalization process of YA. The mobilities and study visits provide opportunities to make new contacts. The management will also get a better and clearer picture of international cooperation and development.
The eight collaborating and receiving partners of this project each represents a specific educational and/or vocational field in the Netherlands, Germany , Malta, Sweden , Norway and Turkey.