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Booster la formation des professionnels de demain aux enjeux de l'Europe citoyenne
Start date: Jun 2, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project « Booster la formation des professionnels de demain aux enjeux de l'Europe citoyenne » is intended for the students in the classes of « premier » and « terminale » the two final years of a professional diploma in the fields of animal husbandry and farm management, or in the field of cereal farm and machinery management. Between September 2014 and June 2015, individually, or in pairs, the students will participate in a work experience placement during three weeks in Finland, Eire or Poland on farms or equestrian centres. During this time they live with their tutor’s family and participate in all the activities of the farm / equestrian centre, as well as living as part of the family. The basis of our school, as in all the « Maison Familiale Rural » is a system of sandwich training courses that would allow the students to share training between two periods of time; a period of work on an agricultural business and a period of study at the MFR. At the same time the diploma encourages the students to develop their mobility, in other French regions and internationally. The structure of the diploma allows for 40 weeks on site training during the two final years of the three year diploma, with three weeks in another country. Their participation in this project allows our students, who are often from rural backgrounds, to meet and exchange with other professionals in their field of study. This project is designed to encourage the students to acquire new ideas and techniques, as well as to share their own experiences whilst favouring their independence and autonomy. The students also have the opportunity to use the modern language that they study in real social and professional situations. These internships help the students and the partners in the mobility to better understand the economic and professional realities as well as the questions of sustainability. For the students and their families the experience of mobility fosters a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences between European cultures. The certification for this mobility, which counts towards the final exam for the diploma, is done by professionals in France

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