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BOOST (Business PerfOrmance imprOvement through individual employee Skills Training)

The project created a cross-border and cross-cultural approach to increase participation of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in vocational education and training (VET). The aim was the transfer and integration of methodologies and tools from the BeCome and ROLE projects. The innovative methodologies identify the Business Critical Needs (BCNs) of a MSE as well as the associated Learning Indicators. The Responsive Open Learning Environments provide customized learning and training solutions that enable to meet those learning indicators. The result contributes towards increased engagement of MSEs in VET across the EU.The wider impact on the VET systems nationally can be summarised as:1. successful models established for engagement between key players - VET providers and MSE employers2. changes in approach by VET providers resulting in positive measured impact on MSE businesses in addressing their BCNs3. access to high quality e-learning resources for VET providers nationally4. synergy between partners and countries resulting in sharing of experience and expertise across borders to enhance all partner VET systems

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4 Partners Participants