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Booktrailers and Videostorytelling: How to teach and learn reading appreciation
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our schools have identified a need to improve the quality of education in literacy and transversal competencies, a project aiming to develop a joint framework for supporting pupils' involvement in learning. The aim is to cope with two major weaknesses in the educational sector, also according to an important international survey such as PIAAC (literacy and literacy in the digital environment) and several times also highlighted by Reccommendations of the Euroepan Commission:: COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION (Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes) we think that “Literacy, numeracy and basic maths and science are key foundations for further learning..., and are a gateway to employment and social inclusion. the ongoing digital revolution, as new forms of reading and writing…and stepped up action to improve digital and media literacy". The Commission Recommendation on media literacy in the digital environment aims to increase media literacy in the digital environment in order to achieve a more competitive knowledge economy while contributing towards a more inclusive information society. Our project aims to handle the problem creatively combining basic skills and transversal skills learning, creating innovative learning environments essential for participatory teaching and use of ICT. Creating a book trailer involves the use of media in didactics, has a strong educational value and uses the methodologies of learning by doing and learning among peers. This kind of didactics is not purely disciplinary, but is mainly subject to the formation of the person and his needs, centered on laboratories techniques and very attractive, which works starting by problems and aims at their solution with the cooperation and sharing of all. We decided to use booktrailers in order to stimulate the students to read. The partnership is made up of 6 partner schools (Greece, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Spain, Uk), which have developed in the past successful collaborations. They belong to similar segments of education ranging students from 6 to15 years old in the various countries. Each school has classes with children with disabilities and/or disadvantages of various kinds and will be involved in the activities of the project. . The partners share materials and resources, and develop units of cross-curricular work in literacy, and production of booktrailers that are tested/implemented in primary and secondary schools. The objectives of the project are to improve the quality of education: - strengthen teachers' skills and provide them with a tool that encourages students to read and to learn to create something new, that is the booktrailer; - fostering the provision and the assessment of key-competences, including basic skills and transversal skills, facilitating the interaction between visual and textual language and multimedia techniques . The methodology used is designed to engage students using languages familiar to and interesting to them, and keeping with encouraging them to read books, novels or also the same school books. The need for having to explain themselves through a different language bring them to learn different reading codes. The desired impact at local and regional level: is the development - through an international event such as MEET Festival - of a new approach and a new relationship between young people and the world of culture and cinema. On these international festivals young people will be given the opportunity to catch their territory to be better known and appreciated in Europe through films made by the students themselves and by professional film makers during the festival. We envisage to reach the project objectives also beyond regional, national and European level. We want to give participants the opportunity to experiment new pathways of improving their knowledge and competences. We expect young people and adults involved in the project to widen their mental boundaries and look at their everyday life through a new perspective, with an increased European consciousness, feeling of being part of the Community both in individual or communal levels. Interest, tolerance and curiosity in human relations, Easier communication with each other. Ability to communicate in a foreign language, or finding innovative ways for understanding each other (non-verbal approach). Finally,it's envisaged the reinforcing of the European dimension of school education, in particular by encouraging constant transnational cooperation between schools, contributing to the improved professional development of staff, and by promoting the learning of languages and increasing intercultural awareness in pupils, teachers, staff, and parents.
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5 Partners Participants