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Bolster up II - Transparency for Upholstering and Cabinet Making Qualifications and Quality in the European Furniture Industry

The project is concerned with the development of European competence profiles for the wood and furniture industry. We have developed profiles for the professions of upholsterer and cabinet maker, which together make up about 50% of skilled workers of this sector. The European core profiles for the upholsterer and the cabinet maker will are formulated in a way that fits with the requirements of EQF and ECVET, i.e. they are learning outcome-oriented, sub-divided into learning outcome units which can be assigned with ECVET points in order to allow for a high level of transparency and comparability, also taking into account needs of accrediting prior learning (e.g. non-formal or informal or in different contexts) and allowing for a greater level of mobility in the sector.Parallel to the development of the profiles, we have lifted those standards onto the European political level by introducing them to the European social dialogue and working towards mutual recognition of the profiles. The long-term goal is the introduction of European core professions in this area and the consortium feels that this project has the possibility to lay the necessary foundations for this step. This is not last due to the make-up of the consortium which consists of a number of European social partners and their European umbrella organisations (and large training providers) which are involved in the existing social dialogue and the legislative processes of developing and reforming occupational profiles at national level. The national project partners have therefore interlinked the project activities with political processes in this area and vice-versa in order to integrate project findings in their national legislatory work.

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11 Partners Participants