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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The education systems need to change their priorities so that all European citizens can acquire the knowledge, skills and competences they need to meet the requirements of the labour market and face the challenges of modern life. Nowadays society is imposing barriers –psychological, cultural or social- the state of well-being implies overcoming these and accepting one’s peers. This can be achieved through efficient communication and cooperation between all factors involved in and out education. The psychosocial competence plays an important role in the promotion of health to change one's knowledge, attitudes and values into actual abilities. This project aims at improving teachers and students’ well-being by boosting their self-efficacy, self-confidence and self-esteem and involving them in activities in a friendlier learning environment. Complying with WHO requirements, this project aims to help the participants build a positive self-image and consciousness of the body in different contexts (educational, artistic, medical, sportive) The challenge is to modify and make the relation to our own body evolve in an individual and collective approach. The actors of all ages, in more or less disabling conditions will meet and share their experiences around two main objectives: my body and me (build oneself as a subject), my body and its needs. The schools will first handle the theme of the body in interdisciplnary co-operation, the hospitals will deal with therapy. The national theatre (with choreographers, dancers, actors) will conduct artistic research involving sense of touch and empathy in the relationship between artists, caregivers, patients, students and teachers. The sports world will offer opportunities to exercise one's body. The outputs of these experiences (reports, articles on the blog, videos) will be collected and shared during the meeting projects and disseminated out (through the use of new i-tools, e-books, online newspapers, digital open educational resources).We want to support youth activeness in the fields of healthy lifestyle. Students are active in the planning, development and evaluation of the project. The multiplicity of motivating activities will develop an individualized and efficient methodology which will meet their needs and difficulties. The practicality of the actions will be enhanced by an unconventional approach, particularly with young people in a situation of under-achievement or exclusion acting as non stigmatized volunteers. Objectives are explained in such a way that they are measurable and quantifiable via indicators. Pupils and teachers will learn how to elaborate surveys and how to make the treatment of data in order to write different evaluation reports using tables, percentages and graphs. Knowledge transmission from professionals in their fields, secondary to primary schools will be an asset for their future. A network beyond the educational system can be created thanks to close interaction between the players. We aim to treat foreign languages and the use of IT skills not as the main purpose of the project but as a tool to achieve other goals. The various disciplines involved will contribute to promote solid foundation skills, such as literacy, numeracy and transversal key competences , learning to learn, sense of initiative (both in teachers and students) and entrepreneurship, social, civic and cultural competences, mathematical and logical thinking. In addition, each structure involved in the partnership will take part in two informative and awareness raising congresses (in March 2017 and May 2018) where each country will present the place of the body as a tool to respond to the existing and future challenges and lead to the achievement of all. This project takes into account the multiple intelligences that can be used and promoted. During three training courses, teachers will be able to attend practical workshops related to their own self-image and develop competences reusable in their everyday life. These symposiums will be available on eTwinning to surroundings schools, the Inspection Académique, local citizens and patients. Our priority is to make students responsible for their learning process via students’ individual mobilities. Short, middle or long-term mobilities will be implemented in order to experiment workshops on well-being and their analyse and results presented to the other partners. Open Educational Resources, Manual of Good Practices, products -online newspaper, e-book, documentary film, dvd with performances, prezi presentations- scientific research, health ideas, ...etc.. will be always available for free download through the website, blog, twinspace and Erasmus+ Dissemination platform). These clearly identified products will be usable by all the teachers interested in innovative valorization of teaching strategies. We hope to create highlights in our communities to show and share this work on the universal issue of integrity .

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8 Partners Participants