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Bodur Meyve Yetiştiriciliğinde Budama ve Terbiye Teknikleri
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Today, in European countries where dwarf fruit growing is highly developed, the trees are giving fruit very early and more quality and more fruit is harvested in a per unit area; maintenance works such as pruning, spraying, thinning and harvesting are made easily and cheaply; production costs fall and investment expenditures are returned in a short time. Dwarf fruit farming requires more knowledge and experience. No doubt that in our region and country, development of modern fruit growing; encouragement of innovations; increasing and extending the quality and productivity can only be realized by the staff having high level knowledge, skill and work experiences. The consortium of the project comprised of Kırşehir-Kaman Vocational and Technical High School, Konya-Çumra VTHS, Çankırı VTHS and Burdur Tefenni VTHS. Agricultural lessons have been given and fruit growing educations have been presented in these schools. The students graduated from these schools work in public and private agricultural businesses and meet the need for qualified staff for the agriculture sector. Therefore the acquirements of the students are reflected to the regional and country-wide agricultural sector and they cause an increase in the quality and productivity in the sector. For that reason, our schools and students have great responsibilities on this subject. Our project was prepared and implemented for the students studying in the field of agricultural technologies. The goal was to improve their professional knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours about giving a suitable shape to dwarf fruit trees, improving the quality, pruning and technical ways of cultivation; to contribute their adaptation to business life, to know the machines, facilities, tools and equipment related with the dwarf fruit growing that are not present in their schools, to monitor today’s modern fruit growing conditions closely, to learn a foreign language, to develop their self-confidence, competitiveness and entrepreneurial characteristics, and to contribute to have a job when they graduate. The students having education in the fields of agricultural technologies took part in our project. 20 students and 2 teachers from Kaman Türk Telekom Osman Kulaksız VTHS, 10 students and 1 teacher from Şehit Mehmet Ata VTHS, 10 students and 1 teacher from Konya-Çumra Çatalhöyük VTHS and 10 students and 1 teacher from Burdur-Tefenni VTHS participated in abroad study of our project. Our project was implemented in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Hungary for 14 days in April 2016. 20 students in Germany, 20 students in Belgium, 10 students in the Netherlands and 10 students in Hungary did internship. We did not have any problems during the implementation of abroad training program. The project objectives that we stated in our project proposal were met. All the participants fully followed the training time. Our students received training about the formation of the layout of dwarf fruit orchard; kinds of dwarf fruit; planting, pruning and cultivation systems in fruit saplings; the principles and technical rules of pruning; points to consider in pruning; applications of wired system in dwarf fruit trees; the characteristics of dwarf fruit tree rootstocks; the factors that affect the formation of fruit in dwarf fruit trees; tools and equipment used in fruit growing and technical maintenance works in dwarf fruit orchards in European countries. They attended several seminars and meetings. To contribute to their personal and professional development, they visited the other modern dwarf fruit orchards in the region, fruit saplings producing stations, various educational institutions related with fruit growing, research centres, companies that sell the tools and equipment necessary for fruit growing, fruit marketing businesses; producers’ associations and they met with the officials of these institutions and they received information about their activities. A CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION was given to each one of the students by the project owner and the abroad host institutions at the end of our project. With the project works, the professional knowledge, skills and experiences of the students increased. Their self-confidence improved. They got new professional horizons by seeing modern dwarf fruit orchards and their practices in Europe. They learned new techniques, methods and the usage of the tools and equipment in the field of modern dwarf fruit growing. Contributions to become qualified staff and to have employability were provided to them. They recognized the cultures of European Union countries, working conditions, business ethics and social lives on-site. It contributed significantly to their foreign language. Students and accompanying teachers are reflecting their acquisitions to their school works. The works about dissemination of the good implementations that derived from our project are still going on.
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