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Start date: Mar 22, 2011, End date: Mar 21, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

To develop and implement sustainable co-operation models in the Southeast Finland - Russia cross-border region, which will increase the overall competitiveness of the cross-border region in business and energy.BUSINESS WP: SME sector of the cross-border regions covering Southeast Finland, St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast, particularly innovation-intensive companies, which plan international-lisation. They will receive new support infrastructure, improved internationalisation services, more business contacts and better qualifications in international business. ENERGY WP: Energy companies, which will diversify their own energy sources and contribute to sustainable and environmentally friendly energy generation. Energy consumers, which will receive clean, reliable, safe and, in the long run, more economical electricity and heat. Finnish and Russian manufacturers of wind power plants and their components as they will extend their business. Laboratories of Finnish and Russian universities specialising in research and development into the wind power sector, as the development of wind energy cluster will bring more new projects to them. Achievements: The results of the implemented activities have been: In total well over 100 companies have been trained and connected via seminars and workshops and more than 10 pilot cases aiming to new activities and markets have been executed. Project partners took part in organization of the international innovation competition Web-ready for the start-up IT-companies in Russia. As part of the Web-ready competition, a new Game-ready competition was held to promote the Playa game hub. New capacities of business support services in the cross-border region for local and European clients was created by networking, benchmarking, and training of consultants. The Rubicon Russian Business Center in Kotka, which offers service concepts for Russian, Finnish and European internationalizing companies in the cross-border region, was established. Cooperation with Russian Association of Wind Power Industry and analysis of the market situation concerning the renewable energy sector in Russia was done. Information and knowledge exchange was established between the Finnish and Russian wind energy market players during the project. The project examined possibilities to utilize wind and bio energy sources in the cross-border region and in that framework prepared Practical guidelines for renewable energy companies.
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  • 35%   598 749,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South-East Finland-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants