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BITTA GENERATION: graphic art and sustainability as tools for inclusion of young people
Start date: May 1, 2011,

The Youth Exchange BITTA GENERATION: graphic art and sustainability as tools for inclusion of young people" will take place in Vasto (Province of Chieti) from 18th to 27th June 2011 on the theme of Sustainable Development and graphic art as tools to fight against social exclusion. All the guidelines and activities planned, from preparation till follow up, have been thought on the base of the objectives that we want to achieve, the needs coming from participants and to guarantee the full involvement and the free expression of participants (learner centred) as a continuous process in which all the partners and participants will have a role as much participative as possible using methods of non-formal education (peer education, sharing experiences, learning by doing and through interaction).The methodology used will be strongly oriented in terms of inter cultural learning paying attention to the cultural diversity represented by the partnership, promoting a good environment, mutual understanding and cooperation among all the participants. 7 countries will be involved (Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Macedonia) with 30 participants and 8 group leaders. Objectives will be: to promote meeting and sharing of ideas and projects among young people and NGO coming from Programme and SEE countries on using sustainable development and graphic art as tools of inclusion of young people; to involve young people with fewer opportunities to encourage, empower and enhance at European level their active citizenship; to realise 3 workshops (video-animation, comic, communication) using graphic art tools and sustainable development topics; to share with local hosting community the results and products realised during the Exchange through the public event "Bitta Generation"; to realise and produce a fanzine entitled "Bitta Generation" as additional measure of dissemination and exploitation in which to collect all the results and products done by participants during the project; to plan and realise future projects under the frame work of YiA Programme as a further way of inclusion for young people.During the project will be realized icebreaker games, activities on team building, an association fair, presentation of Youth in action Programme, working sessions to analyse and address the topics of the project, field visits, 3 workshops (video animation, comic, communication),a public event of sharing results with local community, elaboration of future projects, evaluations. In the follow up participants and promoters will realise a fanzine "Bitta Generation" to better disseminate and exploit the results achieved in the project and will apply the planned projects under the framework of the Youth in Action Programme in order to use, reproduce and multiply the competences, methodologies and tools acquired during the Exchange to involve further young people with fewer opportunities in this important process for the European society.

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  •   22 338,95
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

6 Partners Participants