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Biseri naše kulturne krajine. Manjši spomeniki in znamenja na avstrijskem Koroškem in v Koroški regiji v Sloveniji: Skupni prispevek h kulturnozgodovinski identiteti naših dežel. / Juwelen unserer Kulturlandschaft. Klein- und Flurdenkmäler in Kärnten und (Spomeniki / Denkmäler)
Start date: Jun 22, 2005, End date: Mar 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. The collection of data and a digital recording of the smaller monuments and signs throughoutthe area in at least 23 municipalities in the border regions of Slovenia and Austria to obtain arepresentative database in that border region.2. Cultural and ethnological study of small monuments and signs.3. Bilateral, substantive and professional cooperation on issues of restoration, maintenance andnew construction of small monuments and signs.4. Documentation and substantive treatment of the gathered data and visual material.5. Targeted public work with the aim of public awareness and the importance of consolidatingthe smaller monuments and signs as a valuable local cultural heritage.6. To unify a number of already existing public and private initiatives, which recorded,documented and researched smaller monuments and signs in Carinthia, and Slovenia (Koroškaregion) in the joint initiative.

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  • 68.7%   279 354,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Austria (SI-AT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants