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BİRLİK OLALIM (Tarım Örgütleri Arasındaki Diyaloğun ve Kurumsal Yönetim Kapasitesi ile Personelin Mesleki Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesi)
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

History of agricultural organizations in the EU, though it is based on very old in our country is lacking in this case is much newer and infrastructure. Development of agricultural cooperatives in our country is investing for villages and countryside. Thus, crop production in our village was established businesses in greenhouses and livestock issues. Agricultural development cooperatives, the real owners of the villagers were established and developed by small agricultural producers. Agricultural development cooperatives, cooperative development in rural areas and thus contribute to the development of the village. In contrast, producer organizations / groups take on the task of preparing the guide production and product markets. Producer organizations active at every stage from production to consumption, the benefits expected from the organization offers its members the maximum. The Farmers' Union, the manufacturers protect their rights, to transfer them knowledge, active in different areas such as training. An important part of the rural population, agricultural development purposes, the farmers' organizations (cooperatives and other farmer organizations) is not common, about objectives and potential benefits of these organizations do not have adequate information. Farmers' Organization, a significant portion of its partners, adequate information about the rights and responsibilities related to the organization, because they do not have the will to participate in decision-making and management process is to participate does not embrace organizations in an adequate manner and operates regularly and actively. Across the country, especially at village level, the narrower the field of agriculture, farmers and to serve the population living in rural areas, are needed for strong farmers' organizations. We are also in the long term of our family business, continuing under the umbrella organization of farmers, activities more efficient, more economical, and we expect you to take the income level. For this purpose, the quality and quality management approach to achieving an understanding of farmers' organizations, primarily to improve the professional skills of the staff, by carrying out training programs, our main priority is the development of corporate management capacity. In our project, the staff develop professional skills of our family businesses, farmers 'organizations to raise awareness so as to allow, training and will contribute to the creation of awareness, more qualified activities execution of the farmers' organizations in all areas is proposed to mobilize local potential. Main issues discussed on the project: 1. Training and consultancy activities. 2. Ensuring awareness of the organization needs. 3. Failure to cross the life of the project for the capital. 4. Improving the functionality and image control mechanisms confidence. 5. professionalization of corporate governance approach. Mobility (Education) Activity: April 3 to April 9 2016 (Aarhus / Denmark) Total number of participants 12 people. Expected impacts: Technical staff, effective information between our local and import partner, will be culture and experience sharing. The quality and quantity of the product per unit area will increase the effectiveness of agricultural extension and application to be made to remove the level of EU countries. With practice in EU countries will allow comparison of our city administration and the sharing of experience. To direct the production according to the demand of our country can be competitive within the Union after the EU accession. With high production value with the right cultivation of agricultural land, increasing the production of agricultural products and the improvement of production conditions. Efficiency and manufacturer revenues in order to increase steadily, ensuring in the food security of farmers, production and marketing stage of qualified medicine, fertilizer and plant use, irrigation, plants and animals, including hygiene, food and health, will develop training and extension services on various topics. Improvement of competitiveness. Human development. Ensuring regional development. Improving the quality and efficiency of public services, such as issues will affect positive.
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6 Partners Participants