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Bioenergy Proliferation and Deployment (BioPAD)
Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BioPAD (BioEnergy Proliferation and Deployment) aims to build new bioenergy supply chains based on the proliferation of a novel bioenergy stimulus service product which seeks to incorporate innovations in biomass fuel types, supply chain logistics and conversion technology. The attendant supply chain mapping projects will inform policy frameworks and interventions to support RE deployment in the NPP area, and create new enterprise opportunities based on sustainable business models. This market proven stimulus approach (employment and business growth totalling a minimum of €1.3 M p.a. to date has been achieved during the development phase of RASLRES), will allow remote regional communities practically and efficiently grow their renewable energy economies.BioPAD will build on the NPP investment in the development of the RASLRES Bioenergy Tool (, thus allowing a low cost integrated approach to improving NPP regional competitiveness in bioenergy sector stimulus. The Bioenergy Tool created a novel online service product to allow local communities and interested parties to access information on local renewable biofuels, with a view to providing an innovative local stimulus in the use and supply of bioenergy.BioPAD will build on and disseminate the RASLRES Bioenergy Tool to the wider NPP community and beyond. Ultimately, the Bioenergy Tool service project will seek to grow the ability of NPP communities and municipalities to access and interact with local renewable bioenergy supply chains, driving enterprise and job growth in the local communities. The project will assess new woody biomass fuels such as energy crops, and will potentially also look at market opportunities from organic streams such as agriculture wastes, within the context of developing micro-CHP and district heating projects for emerging regions. Achievements: As part of the BioPAD project, ‘Carbon Stories’ were created for the Wood, Energy Crops and Other Biomass (Anaerobic Digestion) supply chains, and are part of the BISCUIT report.These individual Carbon Stories, along with an integrated Carbon Story, can be found under:• BioPAD Carbon Story for Wood October 2014• BioPAD Carbon Story for Energy Crops October 2014• BioPAD Carbon Story for Anaerobic Digestion October 2014• BioPAD Integrated Carbon Story October 2014As part of the BioPAD project the four partners have worked to influence the adoption of biomass energy solutions in the partner regions and beyond. The decision making process involved where companies and organisations are considering new or alternative energy solutions are necessarily complex and it is often difficult to definitively ascribe an outcome to any one piece of advice. Never the less, the projects in the report below exemplify a range of renewable energy projects that have at least been influenced to some degree by advice obtained from the project partners.As part of the BioPAD project, a number of case studies were carried out on different fuel types and conversion technologies in each of the partner regions. A summary of the case studies carried out in the BioPAD project can be found in BioPAD e-zine issue 5 here:

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  • 60.1%   419 983,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Northern Periphery
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants