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Bilişim Teknolojisi Öğrencilerinin Avrupada Ağ Ve Bilgi Güvenliği Stajı
Start date: Jun 15, 2015, End date: Jun 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our century is technology and information century.The hardest thing to reach or safe resource and most valuable resource is information.Because of technology improves rapidly and internet lolls all over the world , it’s not easy to save information anymore.That’s why it requires special preventions. Every new thing which technology gives , brings vulnerability with itself.Because of now information and Technologies are so important ,their numbers about money became so huge too .Its not official but in many article says more than 500 million Turkish Lira for Turkey.%90 of this money is going to imported software and hardware.Qualified technic staff deficit is so big in this sector. So our aim for this project increase our school’s instutional capacity and improve our students’ and teachers’ perfection and competence about network and information security. In our project there will be 23 intern students and 4 teacher with 1 vice-director of school.Students will select from information technology field.They already had classes about Information and Network security but because of softwares arent expensive, they couldnt have many practise. There will be 40 hours trainings about Network Security,Language ,Powerful communicaton,body language and teamwork.Also Ass.Prof Mustafa Coşar from Hitit University will have conference.The director of companies in city will be there too.There will be trips to the institutes for research about Network and Information Security.During mobility the trainings as work and student interns will coordinate by our host Koning Willem I College’s experts.Our partner has international accreditation about this topic.They are highly level education organisation about trainers and about equipment.Also our teachers will join with our host’s teachers to the intern activities and they will earn experiences.By cultural trips and events both groups will be able to know and meet new cultures.After mobility,there will be project gaining results and evaluate the project activities.In dissemination step of project prepare a magazine about project’s gains and about information and network security .Also there will be conferences in schools and organisations. Methodology will be used in project 1)Make a sensation 2)Selection 3)Research 4)Education and training 5)Poll, Question-answer 6)Analyze 7)Prepare report 8)Share information 9)Education methodology communication 10)Make research contact about education and training 11)Visualization of vocational knowledge 12)Multimedia on professional practice and education Project’s realization 13)Digital display, Graph 14) Compare,Adaptation 15) Modelization Because of this project , our students who will graduate from information Technologies or else will have field .Also the ones who wants to continue their academic life will have targets for future in their field.Because of the experiences which our teacher will earn, our school’s education quality and level will raise and they will help the students more about job life for their future.And also with this project our teamwork and quality will increase between directors and teachers for work together and plan together. Because of project we are expecting to see awareness firstly from the people who teach and study in this field and in companies,in governmental organisations and in public opinion.Also in Information and Network security field we are expecting contribute to resolve staff deficit .
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