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Bildung neu denken - formales und nonformales Lernen in Europa
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The permanent change in our societies requires a review of our understanding of education and learning. Scientists and educators requires an adaptation of the structure and content of education to the latest outcomes of research in the field of learning-theory in the context of changing social structures and globalization. As part of the discussion about a new culture of learning in the field of education informal and nonformal learning get more and more into the focus of observations and becomes more important. Increasingly, it is assumed that education takes place both in formal but especially in non-formal and informal processes not linked to a specific location or a certain age (lifelong learning). The four partner - structures work within their national educational contexts at the interface between formal and non-formal education and express a real need to learn other concepts and methods which could eliminate the limits of the classical separation of this educational pillars. The aim of this learning partnership is to rethink and questioning the concept of education and formal and nonformal learning in Europe and to demonstrate innovative methods and reflections that allows a different learning that focus to the challenges of the 21st century. Involved are four structures; Schoolclash of Venlo, the Netherlands; Intercultural life of Granada, Spain, Hundested Skole from Hofedstaden, Denmark and interkulturelles netzwerk from Germany. At this learning partnership will participate responsible for training and multipliers of the named structures as well as local partners. During four mobilities in the participating countries we want to make visits to projects and discuss alternative pedagogical concepts as well as testing methods. These are analyzed by the participants to a potential transfer to the own educational practice. In addition to extending the personal skills of the participants, we expect a change in the educational profile of the participating structures. The results of the learning process as well as a presentation of the treated concepts and methods we want to publish in a manual of "good practice / best practice" which will be available for anyone interested free of charge.

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3 Partners Participants