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Bijscholing tto afdeling schooljaar 14/15 en 15/16
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the visitation regarding the bilingual stream that took place in 2014 , the committee from the European Platform indicated that our lessons did not meet the conditions , particularly inthe area of CLIL. Each year four of our teachers need further training in this area , in order to score suffieciently at the next visitation on this part. Furthermore, we want to improve the teaching methodology of our teachers in order to meet the priorities of our school , namely , internationalization , personal learning and excellence of students and teachers . The participating teachers will all come from a different field of expertise so that the spread of knowledge and skills is distributed between the departments . It will be researched which individual teacher needs CLIL training the greatest. The teachers attend classes in Great Brittain in the field of CLIL and learn more about the Brittisch culture , which helps them to strengthen the EIO components in their classes. The subject teachers can reach a higher leven of teaching due to this training. The lessons will meet the requirements set by the European Platform for bilingual schools in the field of CLIL . The teachers apply better to the needs of individual students because they have better didactic knowledge . Furthermore, the teachers will be able to improve theEIO parts in their lessons. The school will therefore be retain their tto certificate. Moreover, a larger team of teachers can focus on all the key elements of our school; internationalization , personalized learning, enabling students to excel and off course bilingual education.

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