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Big changes, big challlenges
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of this project is to let less priveleged youth participate in non-formal learning experiences abroad (exchanges and international volunteer work) by means of Erasmus+. Both partner organisations are experienced and skilled in supporting youth with the need for additional care. The target groups of the young people that both partners focus on are considered a problematic target group in their area. However, less priveleged youth (defined as young people that both organisations work with and that meet criteria in the field of problems with health, education and/or finances), hardly participate in Erasmus+ activities. Tools that are developed as part of this project will increase the number of less priveleged participants in non-formal learning experiences (Erasmus+ activities). Also the quality of this Erasmus+ activities will increase by implementation of the tools, so that young people involved, stakeholders from the political arena and stakeholders from the social and educational field, will likely recognise the benefits of the non-formal learning experiences abroad for this target group. The tools are developed in close collaboration with social workers that support the young people on a daily basis, to avoid a descrepancy between theory/policy (in training modules and methodology) and daily life. The following tools will be developed: 1. inventory on how stakeholders view Erasmus+ activities for less priveleged youth; 2. communication strategy that clarifies how communication is best organised, so that activities are positively hightlighted; 3. training module for youth and trainers to support less priveleged youth in non-formal learning activities abroad; 4. methodology that summarises all tools described before; 5. evaluation/analysis report that clarifies added value of all materials involved and the collaboration that is accomplished through this project. The project will end with a closure event. During the event all materials will be presented to stakeholders and youth. Also casestudies (actual projects in which young people participate) are presented.

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