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Bien dans ma peau, bien dans mon école
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The partnership started from a meeting organised by AEF-Europe in Lyon. The interveners immidiately saw the interest to get involved in a common project around the culture of meals. The different partners will invest themselves in a similar way. In an open-minded spirit, we put an open lettre on e-Twinning inviting all interested schools to join the project. An Italian school came to join our group. Four out of the five schools have options linked to people, to child Education and sciences... The fifth school (the French Lycée Mimard), offers industrial and technological grounding. These sections develop their program around sustainable development and eco conception. This partner will have another (but very interesting) look on our realizations... it will be a real added value to our project. The main themes our teachers would like to develop would be: - how to introduce organic food in everyday life: at school & at home, - communication and conviviality at lunch time (how different is it from one country to another?) - would it be possible to only eat local and organic food (to be in harmony with our environment...) - different cultural behaviours - the different partners will feel free to develop all other subject related to health, well-being,... Our schools intend to implement a “well-being project” in the frame of the Erasmus + Key Action 2 Program. This project considers the human being as a whole (physical, psychological and social). We’d like to share good practices (though plays, exhibitions, courses and multimedia documents) from several European countries… Main themes our teachers would like to work on: - Healthy food in daily life, at school as well as in the family context, - Communication, sitting together and conviviality, - Local, ecological, organic food, - Cultural behaviour, respect. Of course other topics related to health, well-being and positive school atmosphere are welcome. Outcomes: Short films, Plays, Pictures exhibitions, e-books... using multimedia’s as communication tools. Work languages: French, English… and partners’ languages.

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4 Partners Participants