European Projects
Beyond the surface of Leadership
Beyond the surface of Leadership
Start date: Aug 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 31, 2015
The idea of the project is that every person is inherently a leader, and that to develop leadership qualities one must exercise their ability to listen to themselves and others, empathise with others, understand people’s needs and their development paths, and connect to their deepest calling. Leadership implies a lot more than management and organisational skills, it also means dealing with people, with complex problems and challenging situations. Participants who will have absolved one of our trainings will have gone beyond the surface of the leadership tasks and experienced themselves and their peers in a deeper way through practival exercises.
The project consists of two trainings with 24 and 20 participants. Target group of our project are people that are active in a civil society organisation or initiative in one of our partner countries: Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, Romania and Moldova. We want to have a good mixture of new and experienced people with different stages of develpment, thus enabling a fruitful exchange between them. Younger participants can always profit from the knowledge of the older ones, however the older participants can get inspired by the energy, motivation and new ideas of younger activists.
A1 Embodied Leadership will be a Training for Youth Workers taking place between the 26-29. of August 2015 in Chemnitz , Germany.
Embodied Leadership is about using a variety of physical exercises connected with leadership training. It explores the dynamic relationship between collaboration leadership and personal change. Participants will experience and reflect upon their habits that are beneficial and not, trusting the group mind, deep listening and multi-body listening, conscious leading and conscious following presence. Some of the methods used are:
-The Viewpoints Technique - allowing participants to integrate several perspectives in their world view
- Vipassana Meditation training self awareness
-Contemplative Improvisation Training
- Performance training, trust exercises
A2 Inside-Out Leadership is also a Training for Youth Workers, between the 20.-26. of September 2015 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
The training combines the core methods of personal development coaching, such as quiet time and journaling, life-story sharing, the four standards inventory, with the deepest and most effective practices of personal and organizational psychology and state-of-the-art training methods.
After taking part in our trainings, participants will feel empowered and more secure in their purpose of action. They will have received the soft skills necessary to become a good and effective leader without using violance, dominance or manipulation. They will have experienced empathic interaction with people new to them, will have trained themself in self-awareness, being able to recognize their feelings and the needs that lie under them. After the project they are able to reflect their own behaviour regardning their feelings and needs as well as identifying underlying needs in the communication with others. Participants will have developed a strong sensitivity for the dynamics of interaction.
In the case of activity A2, participants will also have analyzed their core values that motivate them in their activities. This will make them more resilient to failure and outside influences.