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Beyond The Sea
Start date: Jul 4, 2016, End date: May 3, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Beyond The Sea" was born thanks to the collaboration of the three organizations involved in promoting active participation of young people in activities aimed at combating social exclusion, marginalization and poverty; the project wants to offer an opportunity to young volunteers to understand the substantial European context in a view that goes "beyond the sea" of prejudices that leads us away from the perception of territorial contexts far removed from ours. All host organizations are part of the network of Association “Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII”, and they have been engaged for years in removing the causes that lead to exclusion and poverty.The project involves four volunteers: two will be for six months at the family home in Batumi, Georgia, and two volunteers will be for six months at the rehabilitation centre "Kraljica Mira" of Vrgorac, Croatia. Both facilities provide concrete answers to the problems of social exclusion, in particular those relating to youth problems and drug addiction, promoting the strengthening of a culture in a welcoming and non-discriminatory way. For the particular vocation of both promoting bodies, namely the sharing of life with the most disadvantaged, the facilities are all located in areas that present sociocultural conditions of hardship and difficulties."Beyond The Sea" has a general objective of substantial importance: the creation of a solid foundation for the development of a society in which education and basic rights are respected and guaranteed in order to create a more equitable society, in an active, civil and non-discriminatory way. The project aims to raise awareness of all actors within the European landscape in the field of human rights, through the support to vulnerable persons (especially children and welcomed at the Family Home and the Therapeutic Community) analysis of georgian and croatian situation with a particular social and cultural point of view. The volunteers, in this regard, become bearers of values that are at the basis of the concept of "European cohesion": participation and active citizenship promoted by the ERASMUS +; the four young people can experience firsthand the positivity flowing from getting directly involved in the fight against exclusion and prejudices. The activities of young people selected will present totally positive consequences for local communities, the presence of volunteers will bring added value to the daily activities of the Therapeutic Community and the Family Home, contexts within which the volunteers will have the opportunity to help people most in need and at risk of marginalization through the support they will provide to the operators of both institutions in the implementation of activities and recreational facilities. Volunteers will receive training by the APG23 Organisation before the start, in Italy, where they will delve into the contexts of reception (Georgian and Croatian) from an historical, social and cultural point of view and also the issue of human rights and peace education, according to European principles. The project will allow young people to acquire skills, abilities and knowledge useful to their personalformation, in particular mutual learning and sharing of ideas within a multicultural context. Thanks by staying in host organisations, volunteers can come into contact with new cultures, expressing solidarity with others.At the end of the path of EVS, young volunteers will have the opportunity to reflect on their experience through writing articles that will be published on the website of the sponsoring organizations in order to raise awareness of other young people on the situation in Georgia and Croatia, enhancing awareness both in local communities and at European level. The presence of young volunteers will also be a stimulus for reflection in local communities with respect to cultural diversity, but also and especially compared to the values, principles and opportunities guaranteed by the European Union.
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