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Beyond the Borders - Posúvame hranice
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We have decided to realize the project "Beyond the Borders - Posúvame hranice" to maintain a high quality of education of English language at our school. After considering all the options we have selected two-week language courses in Canterbury, Great Britain, that are focused on key competences development as well as on improvement of language skills.The aim of the project is:• to develop key, language and cultural competences• to foster intercultural understanding• to promote an authentic contact in the milieu where English is the mother tongue• to broaden language and cultural horizonsWe want to undertake this project to be better teachers in the aspects which are connected with:• designing lessons• an attitude to students and a whole view on acquiring new knowledge and skills• a stimulating and inspiring environment with the use of creative and innovative attitudes to maintain a long-term motivation• helping students to understand a global and multicultural context of a foreign language teachingThe plan of our organisation is aimed at a learning mobility of the English language teachers to participate in summer language courses which can be funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The participation in summer learning mobilities enables the teachers of the English language to improve language and cultural competences which are an inseparable part of lifelong learning.Teachers being involved in the project:- Mgr. Zuzana Vakošová - "Drama Techniques for Creative English Teaching". She would like to enhance her communication skills, improvisation ability and her ability to apply literature on English language lessons. After the course she will introduce new grammar strategies, connection of culture and language into the school and she will help to encourage and maintain the long-term motivation of students.- Mgr. Zuzana Vargová - "Creative Methodology for the Language Classroom". She would like to improve her teaching skills through learning and practising alternative activities, strategies and approaches to teaching and learning to energize the class and make it more effective. After the course she will apply her knowledge of the new trends in creating lesson plans and putting them into practice at our school. She will also focus on self-evaluation of the students.- Vladimír Kusenda - "British Life, Language and Culture". He is interested in a connection of history, culture and language and new trends of English language teaching. His completion of the course will be a contribution to the school in the field of multiculturalism, bringing new ideas, information, facts to the class to enrich the curriculum and motivate students.- Mgr. Kristína Hašková - "NLP & Coaching for Teachers". She would like to improve her teaching skills. The emphasis is placed on lesson planning, problems solving and communication with students with the regard to their personality and emotions. She will gain more information and experience in humanistic approach in teaching with a focus on empathy which is essential in motivation. This knowledge will also provide the teacher with various possibilities for obtaining the feedback of students.Brief description of activities:Preparation – Oct/2015 – May/2016Realisation – 01/Jun/2016 – 31/Jul/2017 31/Jul/2016 – 13/Aug/2016 – NLP & Coaching for Teachers31/Jul/2016 – 13/Aug/2016 – Drama Techniques for Creative English TeachingJul/2017 – British Life, Language and CultureJul/2017 – Creative Methodology for the Language ClassroomEvaluation – Aug/2017 - Sep/2017The project management methodologies:- selecting the teachers- setting the project objectives- creating the project team- and choosing an educational institution and courses- filling in the application form - mobility planning; transport, insurance and accommodation arrangements- learning mobilities- evaluation and dissemination of the project outcomesThe result of the participation in the courses will reflect the improvement of the teachers in various areas. Besides the communication skills and contact with new methods and information there will be progress in ability of effective planning and realisation of the lessons. The teachers will learn how to communicate effectively and become more empathetic. This will be beneficial to the teaching process and self-confidence of both teachers and students. The using of non-traditional methods in teaching will help to maintain long-term motivation of students as well as provide the connection between history, culture and language itself. The expected impact on the participants:• the improvement of language skills• personal and professional development• the development of key competences - communication in foreign languages; cultural awareness, expression, diversity• ability to make the lessons more attractive using the innovative approaches

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