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Better Treatment for Aging Drug User
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Because of demographic developments of the aging population in almost all countries of the European Union, social and health structures are in an ongoing process of adapting adequate responses to this challenge. Dependency of psychoactive substances, however, still are associated with young people. Meanwhile, addiction is the 3rd frequent mental disease after depression and dementia e.g. in Germany (Kocs, 2007). A survey of the European Monitoring Centre of Drugs and Drug Addiction concludes: “It is evident that the total number and the proportion of older chronic, problematic drug users in Europe have increased significantly over the last decades. Older drug users are likely to suffer from the negative social consequences of decades of drug use. The available information suggests that specialised treatment and care programmes for older drug users are rare in Europe. Concerns have been voiced that current treatment and care services may be ill-equipped to respond adequately to the needs of older drug users and that certain specific services may be required (EMCDDA, 2010)." A report of the Uniuversity of Applied Science, Frankfurt, states: “The increase of older drug addicts is increasingly important for assistance systems such as addiction and support services - staff of appropriate institutions notice the changes in the age structure of their clientele and face every day problems to refer older drug users to appropriate care and services.” The project 'Better Treatment for Aging Drug User' will build on the given evidence and knowledge base, collect data and will transfer the results into a practical learning curriculum for adult learners (for members of both drug and geriatric services) by linking research elements, education and capacity building and by contributing to a better policy / approach towards improved services for the aging population of drug users. It will provide adult trainers and organisations in the drug help system, in geriatric institutions and local governments with tools and models of good practice, which create adult learning opportunities for the establishment and improvement of services for aging drug user.The project has three overarching objectives and will carry out the following activities:1. Assessment of existing policies and services for aging drug users in Europe - Identify specific policies and methods targeting the needs of aging drug users; - Identify and collect best practice models for effective services for aging drug users (outpatient and inpatient); - Identify models of best practices for a good collaboration of drug and geriatric services. 2. Best Practices and training information development: - Develop a toolbox for service providers and local governments including guidance and support for the development and implementation of adult learning offers, targeting the establishment or improvement of services for aging drug users; - Develop a curriculum for adult learners, who are working with aging drug users. 3. Dissemination on national and European level: - Establish an online Resource Centre and dissemination platform; - Organise 5 national multiplier events to disseminate the activities and results of the project among relevant national stakeholders; - Organise a European summer school for adult learners, targeting the establishment or improvement of services for aging drug users.A well-balanced consortium of 7 main partners from 5 countries will address the subject with specific scientific, educational and practical experiences and backgrounds. In addition, 22 associated partners in partner countries, policy maker, educational institutions, social service provider and drug user representatives will be consulted and involved in the activities.As a result, the project will- strengthen local networking and cooperation in 5 European countries, by including social service providers, adult trainers, local governments and educational organisations, - provide local social service providers, adult trainers and local governments with tools, inclusive strategies and good practice examples to implement sustainable and effective interventions in the field of education and training, - provide higher educational institutions with research findings, tools and models of good practice, which will enable them to adapt their curricula for social workers and adult trainers accordingly.On long term, results of the project have the potential to- stimulate, boost and promote effective and inclusive strategies and adult learning opportunities in the field of education and training, - improve services targeted at aging drug user, - increase social inclusion and participation of aging drug user, - increase the number of marginalized groups in in education and training.
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6 Partners Participants