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Better English and Transferable Skills for better job opportunities
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The global economic crisis has brought high unemployment and made it harder for out-of-work people to find jobs. Additionally, the crisis has created difficulties with getting better job opportunities and therefore causes more cross-border mobility of EU citizens among EU countries to find a job or gain experience abroad or look for better job opportunities or share experience in another country.The partners in this project think that in order to improve the competitiveness of an employee in the labour market there is a growing necessity not only to improve English language competence but to improve also new skills - transferable skills - through English, because speaking a foreign language is absolutely necessary in the 21st century, and transferable skills are utterly significant for finding a job.Transferable skills are skills and abilities that are relevant and helpful across different areas of life, especially in the professional field, and they are frequently being referenced in the media as being lacking in school-leavers, graduates, and those already in employment.Therefore, as it is vital to develop better matching between skills and labour market needs and thus bridge the gap between the worlds of education and work, the goal of our project is to help our learners do just that.On top of that, the EU is now facing a wave of migration. Some of the institutions in our project have migrants as students, so they could really benefit from our project, because they would learn about transferable skills, the English language, cultural differences and business etiquette in different EU countries, and it would help them integrate and discover our culture. Our two-year project develops in two stages and targets different participants.During the first year, the focus is on :- the exchange of good practices among the partners,- the training of the teachers of the partner institutions : two teacher training activities are organised : one about ICT and one about new methodologies to teach transferable skills, which in total concerns approximately 34 teachers, and- the preparation of the teaching activities for the curriculum for transferable skills through English (B1 level).During the second year the focus is on :- the implementation of the curriculum for transferable skills through English for 70 to 100 learners in total who take part to classes (80 hours) in their local institutions, and- the 3 learners’ mobilities which can allow about 45 of them to practice the transferable skills in different companies they will visit in different countries (Spain, Estonia, Latvia and Belgium). The main objectives for the participating teachers are as follows:- to exchange good practices in order to provide a new teaching curriculum- to cooperate to design common assessment grids, common tests, common activities enhancing cross-cultural communication;- to reflect on and exchange ideas regarding how various teaching methods can be implemented to teach transferable skills in an innovative and efficient way;- to answer the teachers’ need for continuous training: the improvement of their teaching skills, teaching by means of ICT and new methodologies. The main objectives for the participating learners are as follows:- to reflect on their language skills and improve them;- to develop transferable skills through English for more competitiveness and employability on the common EU labour market;- to exchange good practices about how to adapt in a different job-related cultural context;- to become familiar with the business etiquette for better inclusion in the job market;- to improve their awareness of European citizenship and to become aware of how cultural differences influence the business etiquette. Our project offers more enhanced learning opportunities to our learners for higher employability across the EU borders and can facilitate their inclusion in the EU labour market as well as reduce their social exclusion. Our project can help people of different age groups and different origins or social groups to learn both transferable skills and English language skills; and, as an additional benefit, while visiting business companies for practicing transferable skills and English in a real life job-related context but in a different cultural context than they are accustomed to, our learners can also exchange experience and learn about cultural differences and business etiquette.
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5 Partners Participants