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Better Employment opportunities through Cooperation, Education and NETworking (BECENET)
Start date: Jun 5, 2011, End date: Jun 4, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main purpose of the project is to deal with the restructuring of the economy and the deterioration of the market conditions for the local traditional enterprises.The creation of two identical Centers in Alexandroupolis and Smolyan Municipalities aims to stimulate entrepreneurship, emphasizing on educational actions for the local population, through cooperation and networks creation. Among the main activities of this project are:1. Design, Reconstruction and Equipping of Municipal Buildings in Smolyanand Alexandroupolis as Centers for Trainings, Entrepreneurship and Cross-border initiatives2. Elaboration of a plan for the development and operation of the two Centres for innovative educational techniques3. Design of a web-based platform and of educational /training e-learning modules for local population4. Publicity activities for the involvement of local stakeholders5. Networking with other educational and training Centres and other areas6. Creation and implementation of a common methodology plan for enhancing the local entrepreneurship towards (eco - and agro-) tourism, “green” economy, mild development and exploitation of the rich natural resources. Expected Results: Results directly deriving from the project include: Increased sensitivity of decision makers, local key stakeholders and citizens on the ways to tackle unemployment and underdevelopment through enhancing local human resources and entrepreneurship spirit with respect to the forthcoming open labour market in the cross-border area. Exchange of experience and know - how between the involved partners, leading to a better and common understanding of the methodology needed to support conditions leading to the creation of new enterprises through training and exploitation of cultural, historic, natural advantages of an area. Increased competitiveness and atractiveness of the cross-border area Smolyan-Alexandroupolis. Better employment opportunities through cooperation, education and networking. Supporting entrepreunership among women and youth and local community in general, by giving them a priority in the training procedures. The stimulation of local citizens to start their new bussinesses in the area by means of green economy and mild exploitation of the environment (ex. eco- and agro- tourism). The methodological guide (Activity 5.1) shall be translated into Greek and Bulgarian and will be used as a practical guide for the ones who will decide to create an enterprise in the target areas.

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  • 85%   1 061 948,82
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Bulgaria (EL-BG)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants