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Betriebspraktikum Ferrarischule 2016
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe is a vocational school. The emphasis of the curriculum is on foreign languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian), economic subjects, and practical training in the canteen kitchen, service and the media.This kind of tuition offers students a substantial basis for their career choice.Tyrol is a very important tourist country. The current trend in tourism reveals a boom inthe upper price hotel industry in connection with even more international customers from all over the world. As the “Good customer” is looking for personal care, businesses try to recruit well-trained staff in order to come up to their clients’ expectations.As far as possible staff should be able to communicate with guests in their mother tongue and show some knowledge and understanding about their cultural background. It is of great importance that our students are well prepared for these requirements.In addition to the theoretical and practical tuition at school in commercial subjects,languages, multimedia, computer application, the canteen kitchen and service,practical training in a company is just as important.Personal development, team spirit, social skills, mobility and integration into an organizationwill be promoted in this way.Nowadays many young people consider a work placement abroad as big opportunity.The mobility project Erasmus+ and the financial support that comes with it make it easier for the students to opt for a placement in a foreign country, which will enable themto gain experience they would not gain in their home environment and at the same timeallow them to improve their foreign language skills.A standardized record of achievement guaranteed by internationally recognized certificates is an important addition to their later professional life.This year 36 students of our school will do their work placements abroad.Statistics prove that people with a good education have bigger chances on the job market, suffer less psychic problems and are more self-conscious.Teachers and staff at the Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe will continue tomotivate their students to do their work placements abroad.
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