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Best Practice - Lernen von und mit anderen Erweiterung der fachlichen, interkulturellen und Projektmanagementkompetenzen zur Gestaltung unserer zukünftigen Europaschule
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background:The achievements at our school have been changed. Our school intends to prepare our students for Europe and the European labour market. Therefore we plan to improve our teachers‘ professional, intercultural and project management skills, significantly.Intercultural skills as multidisciplinary capabilities build an essential part of a school that is open to Europe.Project modules:Together with teachers from other countries our teachers attend training courses, that allow intercultural learning throughout the whole week, within seminars as well as common activities and meals. At the same time our teachers receive the opportunity to get to know future project partners more closely.Our teachers visit our partner schools so as to get in touch with school systems, teaching methods and the specific cultural life, locally. With the mutual contact to each other the teachers get emotionally moved and specially motivated. Therewith, they can train their intercultural abilities and gain experiences they can pass on to home colleagues and students as well. Project aims:The project aims at improving the professional, intercultural and project management competencies of our teachers, so as to base our future European School on qualified members of our Erasmus+ workgroup. The participants‘ knowledge in foreign languages will increase, gradually.Thus, intercultural abilities will flow into the teaching process, naturally. European projects can be established straight away.Number and character of the participants:Four teachers will take part in training courses and six teachers in school visits. They will come from the departments for modern languages, geography, history and natural sciences.The attending teachers should:- be prepared to take part in abroad training courses.- speak English or other languages.- be ready to spread the European spirit out to colleagues as well as students.- be open to integrate the European idea into teaching.- should have a talent to organize activities.Description of expected achievements, effects and potential long-term benefits:The training courses will enhance the motivational impetus for intercultural learning and cooperation. Planning and working with European projects at school can be organised much more effeciently.The training courses will enable our teachers to inspire our colleagues to deal with European projects more than ever. The students‘ intercultural, language and social skills can, thereby, be enlarged.Visiting other European countries and their schools, gaining new experiences and improving our knowledge we will be set for further development in teaching and teacher training.Such, our teachers will be able to prepare our students for the European labour market challenges in a much better way.
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3 Partners Participants