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Beschäftigung und Integration von ausländischen Arbeitskräften, Migranten und Flüchtlingen in der Veranstaltungsbranche
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Event Industry, EI is one of the most dynamic, fast-growing and innovative industry in Europe. Next to skilled people there is a lot of aides which find their employment in this labor market. The branche is an international and multicultural working environment. Thererfore, a structured and pragmatic approach should be developed within this project, to provide a quick jump start into employment for the targeted people with an immigrant background.The project "employment and integration of foreign workers, refugees and immigrants in the event industry" should contribute to the European refugee and integration issues and in the context of EI to the topics "integration and employment" endeavor. It addressed primarily and specifically one of the four common European strategy and targets Europe 2020, to address the challenges in education and training systems, actively deals with the topic "Integration and Employment". Thus a solution shall be developed, which enables integration into employment in English language. The project has a priority aim to develop a quick and workable solution to the employment problems of refugees. For this purpose it is planned to work out appropriate tools (for example, for non-formal validation of skills) or thematic priorities regarding integration (culture, law, society) engage in active measures and to promote the national language skills in the course of employment.In a first step, the consortium aims to identify and analyse the conditions in the partner countries, about the possible employment of the target group (IO1). The involvement of and cooperation with public bodies is targeted at any project phase. Three levels are taken into account within the project:1.) Competence assessment (IO2) and preparation for the labor market (IO3): many people from the target group are not able to provide any qualifications or certificates. Thererfore it is important to assess in a first step, what are the person's skills. To capture the individual situation on a fast and effecitve level, a tool shall be developed (IO2). Also for preparation for the labor market, the refugees need to be brought up to the regional, cultural and social conditions. Thererfore, an appropriate educational program needs to be developed (IO3), supported by the use of new media tools and according to the future work area, based on basic matters of knowledge, a minimum language comprehension and knowledge of the German language including technical terms in the relevant field.2.) Technology support (IO5): international studies have shown that the integration of new media works perfectly in environments with a high mixing proportion of foreign labor (immigrants, refugees, etc.), especially when adressing information about dangerous locations and the understanding of important signs, mostly by using visualizations and so called pictograms, in an international and culturally understandable form. At industrial workplaces, for example, workers on the assembly line get information by the help of Augmented Reality (AR) applications, which demonstrate first the full activity process as describtion. Within the project it is planned to carry out a study in which a prototype is developed with AR accompanying incorporation process at work, to analyze the use of new media and their effect in the environment of "informal learning".3.) The employment process itself: based on a "supported employment" approach potential employers shall be supported by a tool (IO4), which enables to integrate the people in a team-based work environment (team coaching approach).Finally, the effectiveness of the whole activity and the developed tools will be proved in a testing phase. The participants from the target group and workplaced at interested companies from the event industry will be merged. Within one testrun (period of several months) they will be guided and observed by the consortium. The findings, results and recommendations will be shared in form of a report (IO6), containing recommendations and released at the end of the 3-year project period. One aim of the project is, to sustainably extend access to the products and results of the project, and furthermore to provide recommendations from the activity experience in the project towards other branches and sectors.

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