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Berufspraktika in Xátiva - Sonne, Strom und Mehr
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Three apprentices in their second year of learning (apprenticeship: Electrician for operating technology) travel to Xátiva (Spain) and participate in three weeks of practical training in the field of electrical installations of solar plants, operating technology as well as building technology. This takes place in the local vocational school (five days) and local companies (ten days). Two teachers of the Heinrich-Hertz-School (with the subject electrical engineering) are going to accompany the participating students for three days in order to teach, reflect the lessons with the Spanish colleagues and discuss and work on existing didactical concepts.Apart from that, it is also planned to visit cultural sites on the weekends and, at least, two Spanish enterprises. The organisation of the evenings will be done together with the students and the teachers.The reason for this step is the necessity of strengthening European partnerships between our school and other European educational institutions. Thus, this mobility can also be seen as the first step to build up a network of educational institutions with the aimed result that not only the apprentices of electrical engineering are able to absolve such a programme and gather international experience but also students of our department of information and communications technology.This international experience reinforces the belief in common European values, helps the students to gain intercultural and linguistic knowledge and also develops further their social skills. This is realised by the concept of job-shadowing (one student takes care of another foreign student) as it builds up a strong relationship between the German and Spanish apprentices during and after the programme. Professional skills that have to be developed during the stay are based in installations, activation and maintenance of solar plants and plants in the field of the operating technology.In addition to that, the cultural and subject-specific knowledge of the accompanying teachers will be broadened by the exchange of different concepts of teaching and school in general and by the discussion of possible solutions for the current challenges in the education system that both countries have to deal with.The Erasmus exchange programme shall support the students and teachers holistically. Therefore, the programme not only aims for openness towards an unfamiliar culture but also for the acceptance of foreign values. The deepening of both the students' expertise in electrical engineering (especially accomplished by the practical training with solar technology) and the teachers‘ expertise in the field of teaching methodology is expected by this exchange.In order to make this programme a success, there is a three-person German team working together with a dedicated Spanish team. Both teams met for the first time in autumn 2015 in Xátiva in order to visit the vocational school, some local companies and possible accommodations for the students. The details for the exchange were discussed and, finally, determined and signed in a Memorandum of Understanding.After the programme there will be profound interviews with the participating students and teachers to be able to evaluate the success of the exchange. For this purpose the students' project works will be used which will later be the basis for this programme to become publicly known.

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