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Berufspraktika im Ausland
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The students of the HLT in Bad Leonfelden are obliged to take part in an annual vocational placement in the Tourism sector alongside their studies. This placement can either be at home or abroad. This year’s project allows students to do their tourist placement abroad. In doing this project, students can do their placement in different European countries, namely Germany, France, Greece, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands and Spain. The students will work between June and September 2014 in the target country in various hotels and restaurants in the kitchen, in service and at the reception in order to collect more experiences in the field of Gastronomy, Hotel and Tourism. All together 55 students from 8 different classes will take part in the Erasmus project. An international work experience in the field of tourism is very important nowadays. The project makes it possible for future Austrian tourism workers to achieve a higher qualification. Furthermore, the aim of the project is to improve the versatility of the students in the whole of the EU. The students will learn new skills in the kitchen and service and will improve their foreign language ability. The experience of a placement abroad should have this effect, that the participants deal with foreign cultures in an open way and they are willing to work abroad having attended school. A placement abroad is especially desirable in tourism and it has become indispensable due to an increasing internationalisation. The Austrian standard of education is internationally recognised and must be maintained and further improved in the future.
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