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Berufsbildung im europäischen Kontext – Vermittlung theoretischer, berufspraktischer, interkultureller und fremdsprachlicher Kompetenzen in kaufmännischen und pädagogischen Berufen
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background: the growing globalization and the expanding European Union and the European employment market are constantly demanding more professional mobility and flexibility from today’s apprentices and young job-seekers. The despatching establishment wants to lay the groundwork for its young, prospective professionals in the areas of business and foreign languages as well as in pedagogical occupations with an apprenticeship based on the internationally established framework of guidelines in order to prepare the young people for these growing qualifications demands. Therefore, in light of the European intergration and the intercultural learning, the theoretical and the practical phases in the apprenticeship carry great significance. Project aims: intense language use; acquiring specific knowlegde of subjects and methods as well as knowledge about the socio-economic structures of the partner country: developing social and intercultural competence; assignment to the fields of executive assistance; customer service and consulting for domestic and foreign customers: planning, coordinating and organising (participating in preparation and the realization of projects, fairs, congresses, meetings); handling business correspondence (German, English, French, Spanish); textual and graphic design of presentations: office management; data acquisition; sifting, filtering and structuring; handling administrative-technical and economic procedures; using and comparing pedagogical approaches and concepts; increasing the appeal of the education services of the partners Number and profile of participants: 26 students from the areas of business-foreign languages and education will participate in this project and by completing a work placement at a company abroad they will gain professional prospects/or through taking part in the exchange with Finland they will get first hand experience of studying in the international context. The participants from the area of business will have the opportunity to use their acquired skills and knowledge of foreign languages and intercultural practises as well as develop and hone these skills during the exchange. The didactic focus of the kindergarten teacher apprenticeship lies in the ability to support language learning of children and youngsters and in the molding of young minds towards international way of thinking. Procedures of the project: a period of exchange and work placements; the partners of the project include companies and educational institutions from Great Britain and Finland. Description of the activities: during the time from August 2015 until spring 2017 foreign exchanges, with the above mentioned aim, in the length of 14 days to 6 months will be prepared, organized, monitored, carried out and evaluated with the partners as a part of the apprenticeship and in order to gain practical experience in the international context. Commercial work placements in the area of administration including marketing, sales and accountancy of companies, service providers, hotels, social establishments, event management agencies; pedagogical work placement in institutions with central activities, such as organizing activities, daily routines and agendas, special days and events among other things. Results and effects: documentation of the exchanges and work placements into project folders for events and for the internet. Creating project files or portfolios, work placement reports, a mutual agreement by the partner institutions for improvement, a written evaluation of the participants’ performance in the form of a final grade, a qualifications diploma given by the work placement company as well as a certification and a registration into EUROPASS-Mobility. Long-term benefits: a mind set for the European way of thinking, sustainable development of interest in the European changes beyond the apprenticeship. Using the experiences in a future employment, a versitile range of functions through the events with students and the staff of the vocational education institutions.

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