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Berufliche Mobilität und Internationalisierung
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background: Growing together Europe requires mobility on the job market, professional and intercultural competence as well as key qualifications with the learners as important elements for success on the job market and with the successful creation of own life in combined Europe. Project aims, hence: The planned mobility project should enable to learners of different occupational fields (primarily civil engineering and related occupations, HoGa and management) to collect experience with terms of employment and living conditions during professional activity in the European foreign countries. It should strengthen the European dimension of education, get learners access to personally experienceable Europe, help to develop professional and intercultural competence as well as key qualifications and thereby increase the chances of the learners on the job market. Learners should find out subranges of Professional education abroad and transmit educational contents from the mobility in the home professional sphere. By the cooperation with partners the syndicate would like to improve own education and educational work, revalue own education offer as well as help the partners in the areas of Education and ped. work. Educational staff of the syndicate should get to know new teaching methods and new subranges of Professional education with the partners, compare organisation forms and exchange experiences with teaching means. Learners, particularly such with migration background and sozio-economically disadvantaged people, should get to know draughts and acquire action competence for the professional and private area to master own life. Education demolition or school failure can be thereby prevented. Number and profile of the participants: 50 learners from different education directions, 4 escorts with single Flows to the care of those learners who have special support need, due to sozio- economic disadvantage, migration background or because they are under age, 2x 1 member of the educational staff (Mr. Leibold, member of the team Europe in the HMS, profile: Specialist subject teacher for civil engineering, professional Qualifiaktion before the school service = master, hence, Only School-English; stays for the drastic improvement of his linguistic competence English) Description of the activities: The participants / learners do to three-week training periods in French enterprises and facilities in the south of France (space of Hyeres and Montpellier), in England (Plymouth area), in Italy (Riva + Castellabate area). Some teachers of the HMS take part in professional and linguistic advanced trainings and or accompany the learners with the mobility. Project realisation: There is a preparatory phase and evaluation phase to every mobility, in addition spreading phases. The periods are planned for the mobility from September / October as well as March July during the years of the project period from 2015 to 2017. The German companions teacher will stay in the change week by week on site and form together with ped. Persons responsible with the partners the educational management teams. They meet before and during the exchange to supervise the project and to prepare other exchange and also work together with the Evaluation. Results, effects, long-term use: For the learners improvements are expected specifically in the area of the acquisition from key qualifications as well as in the area of the specialised and vocational contents intended by the curriculum. The learners should extend their horizon with regard to professional knowledge, with new partly strange working technologies, learn better use of key qualifications and practise, recognise themselves better and come to appreciate, acquire increased trust in own efficiency and mobility and develop consciousness and her personality, so that they can form successfully their own life. Achievements at school, social competence and assurance should be thereby improved, education demolition and school failure are prevented and an increased openness for intercultural cooperation are reached. Moreover, they should apply foreign linguistic knowledge sensibly and develop. In the long term originate professional perspectives as well as personal and ideological development of the participants which enable to them to be integrated socially in growing together Europe and to develop a sense for European identity.
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3 Partners Participants