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"Berufliche Bildung mit Unterstützung von NetAcad Cisco-Netzwerk-Systemen in den Networking Academies der Türkei, die Analyse ihres Trainings, Methoden und Techniken, die Übertragung ihrer guten Praktiken nach Berlin.."
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Vocational Education with the support of NetAcad Cisco network systems in the Networking Academies in Turkey , the analysis of their training , methods and techniques , the transfer of their good practices to Berlin and the long-term development and implementation of joint projects for students and teachers from Berlin and Istanbul to promote the European idea " Through the integration of CA (Cisco Academies ) at vocational schools in Europe and worldwide, an excellent way in vocational training in the IT and network area provides to initiate transnational projects. In this project, the first step cisco- based Assessments , which were drawn up by the Turkish partner school , tested at our school , may be adapted and used. By visiting teachers and managers in the partner schools the basics should be agreed to develop further projects. Here, the curriculum of CCNA training is of particular importance , since an immediate multilingual work is possible and can be communicated through the network Language English technical content with different language project partners. This can even be used for practical contents because over virtual networks ( packet tracer ) is a transnational company structure is possible or Web site projects are feasible. The resulting understanding between students of different countries in terms of infrastructure of their own country and other European countries and also in the training environment to enable all students an easier entry into the workforce throughout Europe . The continuation of the project should then also a student exchange , to include internships abroad . Participation in the Govet ( German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training) is being considered. Here, the development of a Europacurrikulums would be possible with similar educational backgrounds or education departments. The cooperation and coordination of content is possible via WebEx (Cisco service) , with appropriate technical equipment to multilingualem real-time tuition ( video function in WebEx and beamer) .
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