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Berlinale Co-Production Market
Start date: Apr 14, 2015, End date: Apr 13, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Berlinale Co-Production Market is the Berlin International Film Festival’s service and networking platform for industry professionals working in international co-productions. It was created to meet their specific needs with a most effective and successful individual one-on-one meeting coordination and an up-to-date producer-driven topical framework programme. It allows even those participants with a very tight festival schedule to discover the most promising pre-selected projects and companies, alternative financing opportunities and new trends, and to network internationally with other like-minded professionals.The 13th Berlinale Co-Production Market takes place from February 14-16, 2016, as part of the Berlin International Film Festival. It is aimed at experienced producers, financiers, TV representatives, distributors, and sales agents working in international co-productions. The three-day event welcomes around 500 industry professionals from all over the world. Some 35 feature film projects (selected from around 600 submissions) suitable for international co-production plus five additionally selectedinternationally renowned production companies are presented in the spotlight, along with our crossover selections: ca. 6 hand-picked drama series projects and 10 selected novels for adaptations. More than 1.200 half-hour one-on-one meetings are organised in advance for the selected projects and companies. An additional framework programme with case studies, theme talks and countries-in-focus presentations offers most recent information on film financing and international production. Public fund meetings, speed matchings, cocktail receptions, a producers’ lounge etc. encourage further networking among the participants.

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