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Benchmarking Tool for Quality Assurance in VET

Quality assurance is a European priority for education and training inorder to make the Europe’s education and training systems a worldquality reference by 2010. The Common Quality Assurance Frameworkfor VET in Europe (CQAF) is the main instrument for achieving this goal.The application of the CQAF at national /regional systems and at trainingproviders is very limited. In Greece, Spain and France there is noevidence that the CQAF is applied at all, while Germany and Romaniathere have been some attempts but still there is a lot to do, especially atthe level of training providers. The objectives of the BEQUAL project areto fill this gap by developing: an electronic benchmarking tool, which willallow training providers in VET to online benchmark their qualityapproach against CQAF core criteria and database collections of goodpractice. ; a web based “quality sharing network” in VET, which will bebased on quality profiles gained through benchmarking and will enabletraining providers to ad hoc search for CQAF compliant good practicematching with their internal quality process. ; a “good practice centre”,which will give access to online Communities of Practice (VET policymakers, VET institutes, researchers and practitioners) and qualitysources. ; a thematic portal that will be the main reference point forpractitioners, researchers and policy makers that are looking forinformation for quality assurance in VET training institutes. - The projectis expected to have a significant impact on the promotion of CQAF atVET institutes across Europe and on building on-line Communities ofPractice. The target groups of the project are VET providers, policymakers and stakeholders in VET. The partnership is composed by 7partners from 5 European countries. The leader is IDEC and partnersare: OBES, IFCIL, FiaTest, FLORIDA, P&W and the Association ofLearning Regions in Germany.

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6 Partners Participants