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Ben de varım Sen de varsın Biz de varız!
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project includes four countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Greece and Turkey as a coordinator. The name of the project is I,You, We are In (Bende Varim, Sende Varsin, Bizde Variz) aims to combat with social exclusion and increase awareness of people to this issue. The project will be implemented between the dates 01.08.2014-01.02.2015 and the activity program 17.11.2014-24.11.2014 with the participation of 30 young people who are experienced in the youth field working with the target group social excluded by Aktif Yasam Genclik Grubu. Social exclusion is a big problem in all segments of society especially for the young people. Doing reserach in this area is going to help the development of our country and bring prestige. Because of being lack of moral or economical conditions, the young people are exposed to social exclusion and lost and give up their hopes, employment opportunities, explore and develop their abilities. Our aims are to encourage the young people and overcome their prejudice, gain a positive point of view from the society, support them, help to explore and give a chance to develop their skills, overcome the prejudice towards social exclusion. Besides these, with this project we will give the opportunity to exchange good practices in different countries, intercultural cooperation, develop communication, share ideas with partner countries and explore new initiatives. In the beginning of our project, the project will be informed to local authorities, universities, municipalities, NGOs , youth groups and posters of the project will be handed out to local authorities. within the dissemination activities the website will be designed, the questionnaires will be conducted before and after the project, analysis the evaluation forms. In the implementation period, non-formal and informal based teaching methods will be used. With these methods the participants will use the personal cognitive skills. In the implementation period, non-formal and informal based teaching methods will be used. With these methods the participants will use the personal cognitive skills. Some non-formal learning activities such as brain storm, question and answer, creative drama, active participation will be widely used. In the end of the project,It is expected that the awareness of young people will increase towards the people who are excluded, and also intercultural leaning, will be solution oriented thinking, develop empathy skills, gain self confidence with employment. We will develop an awareness of movement with the slogan I,You,We are In (Bende Varim, Sende Varsin, Bizde Variz) and live together within in peace ignoring the difference between language, religion and racism.
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