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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project will help improve their professional knowledge and experience with special education professionals and preschool teachers who will contribute to the development of communication skills of children diagnosed with autism, is a project for consultants which support lifelong learning and provide motivation. Autistic children; - To be disinterest to the surrounding object and people , - Lack of eye contact - Touching retreat; - When they don’t want to communicate, they show yelling, hitting, screaming behavior, - Very quick distraction of attenion , - The limited imitation skills, - Lack of speaking in starting and maintainig conversation, - Pronunciation, articulation disorders -As Environmental, expectant and verbal inhibitions, what are the underlying causes of communication problems, solutions, With determination of appropriate methods and techniques uncertainty about the resilience of providing the development of communication skills, provide us source to create the content of our project. • With this project, it is aimed to both icrease their effectiveness in communication skills of autistic children and education of autistic children and provide more to autistic children’s social development with learning methotds and tecniques which are used out of the curriculum and applicable alternative communication skills. •To create new research opportunuties, discussion,and thinking about autistic children’s communication problems. • To ensure their growth as happy citizens which perform their role in society, establish good relationships with others, can work in cooperation and can adapt the environment. • To ensure adaption to our country by examining the functionality of alternative communication and communication program which is applıed on school period for autistic children in the Europe. • To gain expereience while examining used materials ,period of education and the environment in which autistic children receive the education as a result of and investigetion which will be made in education institutions in Sweden and Portuguese. 6 mentally disabled teachers who are responsible for the education of autistic children and , 4 pre-school teacher, two counselors, as a total 12 people will attend our project at our school. As a one group for 2 weeks the first mobility in Portuguese between 13 December 2015 and 26 December 2015 , the second mobility between 13 and 26 June 2016 in Sweden will be made. There are no people who are disabled or needy among the participants. • After returning to our country with making interviews with autistic children teachers who are firstly in our school then in our region,autistic children’s parents, their psychologists and their doctors, their problems in communication and social life, solutions and surveys about what are the rights of autistic individual and briefing activities will be conducted. • Relevant to what's going on in his education and communication activities of our institution with unique special education kindergarten in our region will attract the attention of the public with promotional campaigns and activities with the support of the local media and works which raise awareness will be done. • Also, special education schools / institutions with mainstreaming within the scope of studying autism , the used methods to gain communication skills to children and activities on the job with prepared brochures works which allow the reaching to wider audience will be carried out. - Our school and in our region to contribute to the solutions by identifying communication problems of children diagnosed with autism, ensuring the transfer of learning methods and techniques used in our country autistic children's thinking about communication problems, discussing and creating new research opportunities, understanding communication skills with attention to problems , life standarts in harmony with its surroundings, training high-autistic individuals constitute anticipated outcomes and effects of our project . -In the Europe with using modern communication methods which are about teaching of autistic children for communication , communication problems can be reduced to varying degrees. - With observations and analysis which they made participants will find opportunity to compare training programs used in our country and will prepare applicable training programs according to cultural differences. - With directly and indirectly autistic children serving staff's views and the data which is obtained from taking their suggestions will ensure that the source of the new policies which will be produced for the education of the children.
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