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bellis perennis (caleidoscope2)
Start date: Jul 30, 2016, End date: Jul 29, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Association of Hungarian Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturers is a non-governmental organisation, established for the purposes of protecting, representing and enforcing the professional and economic interests of confectionery businesses, enterprises and entrepreneurs. Our organisation is the only national confectionery organisation which the government and the supervisory authorities treat as a partner in legislative issues, reviews and training activities concerning the industry.This programme is aimed at the further training of professional tutors and practical trainers pursuant to Article 31(1) of Act CLXXXVII of 2011 on the master training/employment of trainers. Our mobility programme helps the 69 participants increase their professional experiences and integrate the certificates of further training completed abroad into their professional careers. The components of the mobility programme will make easier and create a different quality dimension for the various elements of the Master examination.Our project partners are excellent representatives of the industry. The French partner is a member of Relais Desserts, which is an indication of professional work and dedication. The value of the Italian partner stems from its reputation, professional expertise and social responsibility in the region. The IPSSEOA "D.REA" institution is a key training centre of the region. Its mobility activities were rewarded by a European Label award in 2010. Project beneficiaries: trainers, practical trainers, coordinators of practical training at the workplace, training officers, trainers working in adult education and specialised graduated trainers at the beginning of their careersAs a result of the programme we expect the participants to- obtain available and applicable practices from the training and educational methods used in various countries - build co-operation with actors of vocational training and participants in the labour market - expand their professional development options - recognise the need for speaking foreign languages and take the first steps in that direction - develop an open and motivated mindset - strengthen their professional awareness and love for their occupation - expand their cultural knowledge They will receive several certificates upon the closing of the programme: - a certificate from the association, proving the completion of the programme.-Europass -Euro CV - CertificateThe project may be divided into 3 main phases: preparatory, execution and closing phases. Components of the preparatory phase: clear and reasonable objectives, control of the human and financial resources required for the project, consistency between the results intended to be achieved with the programme and the tasks of the association. Designation of the high quality host partners. Tender writing. In the execution / project phase: task setting (in order: announcement of the tender, selection, preparation, contract documentation, accommodation, travel arrangements, monitoring/mentor delegation). Project closing. The project will be evaluated on three channels – participants, host partner and the association. Finally project management and sharing of the obtained skills and knowledge through multiple channels.Work programme: 8 hours of working time according to EU regulations/ possibly different shifts / rotation. 2 rest days each week.6-10 days of practical work, 4-5 plant visits with job shadowing/observationThe new dimensions of Information Society, knowledge based economy and globalising world are developing more and more clearly, bringing fundamental changes in our life concept and aspects of professional work. Main components of CONCEPTION OF SURPLUS KNOWLEDGE: lifelong learning and "additional knowledge" (All new information, new knowledge and experience, which lead to a different dimension of knowledge). This is what we offer to the participants of our project.Expected institutional effect: positioning of the Hungarian confectionary industry on the market, increasing its social recognition both in Hungary and abroad.
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5 Partners Participants