Search for European Projects

Being a teacher in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project doesn't aim at the mobility itself, that is to travel from the origin country to another destination in Europe, but at adding a new value to the parteciping organisation in terms of cooperation between European institutions, implementation of innovative good practices (curricula, ICT) and modernisation of education systems. In particular the objectives will be: to enhance the quality and European dimension of teaching; to explore new possibilities by the use of ICT in learning, developing innovation and creativity at school; to improve the staff competences in foreign language communication skills in order to use the CLIL methodology; to enrich their personal curricula by new cultural experiences; to compare the different systems of education. The applicant organisation is a public secondary school, located in the east part of Sicily, southern Italy, attended by 1200 pupils and already involved in European and international projects (former Comenius, Euroschola, eTwinning activities and seminars, NHSMUN project in the USA). The school has to play an important role in the social and cultural context of its territory operating in a disadvantaged area because of the economic crysis, increasing unemployment, and the escape of brains (young people after university) abroad. The mobility project will involve 12 people of the staff, selected according precise criteria (effective needs , background, certificated skills, continuity of service in the organisation). The mobility project will be supported and monitored by an expert commission in all its stages: selection and linguistic preparation of participants; implementation of activities during the training staff; follow-up with the evaluation of the outcomes and the results inside and outside the organisation. Activities and methodology will range from brainstorming and problem solving techniques to workshops as well as discussions, forums and relationships between learners and partners (hosting schools). The expected impact on the target groups will be wide and involve a large part of territory. In terms of acquired skills and behaviours it will: improve the partecipants' communication skills in foreign language; make contact with learners from other European countries; enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training; increase their knowlegde about different methodologies and training programmes; implement new methods and educational tools; acquire specific competences and good practices in methodology and the use of ICT. Through a wise intervention of dissemination by press, eTwinning platform, social networks the benefits could have long term effects for the individuals, the organisation and the whole society contributing to the growth, the prosperity and social inclusion in Europe.

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