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‘Before the Well is Empty’ - Water in Our Lives.

Main aims of the project:1. To promote the learning of the English language.2. To promote and share the use of new information technologies.3. To raise students’ awareness of the universality and significance of water.4. To rise students’ sensitivity to global problems connected with water and the problem of water waste in everyday use.5. To enable students to explore and discover the nature diversity and cultural richness of both regions.6. To develop in students a social responsibility to their community and the planet. Before exchanges students will have tasks assigned to enhance their active involvement in project activities. During exchanges students will take part in workshops which will include brainstorming, pairwork, groups, preparing posters. They will do homework together. During the exchanges students will perform experiments on water samples of local rivers, lakes, ponds and identify fauna and flora of those aquatic environments. Students will meet local authorities, visit water intakes, water treatment plants, sewage plants and places where they can see the significance and various uses of the resource. They will also investigate how the water is used in their houses. There will be three contests related to the subject inviting the participation of all students in both schools: song, photo, and slogan contest. At the end of each exchange students will organize School Community Evenings to share their knowledge and present their works. Polish local TV and Spanish local radio will be invited. There will be three final products: Power Point presentations, board games, and three- language pictorial dictionary of vocabulary specific to the project’s subject. Students will also write articles on the subject to the school and local newspapers.

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