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Become a Graphic Designer! Improving Digital, Entrepreneurial, and Linguistic Competencies through Initial VET European Training
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The need to implement the project becomes obvious in the contemporary society as emphasized in the Copenhagen 2002, ET2020 documents. Statistics show that unemployment among young people is increasing across Europe. Nowadays, being a graduate is not enough to ensure rapid employment. There are many reasons behind the problem of youth unemployment, for example: lack of particular skills, wrong educational pathway, mismatches between education and needs in labor market, lack of self confidence, lack of self esteem etc.Within this framework the aim of Let’s WinGD!Let’s Enterprise! project is to offer to a group of 16 pupils, age 15-17 the opportunity to develop their computer, linguistic and entrepreneurial skills in the Graphic Design domain in a European context through a initial traning programme with a duration of three week. The project actitiviteis will take place in four IT companies from Braga specialised in Graphic Design and Printing. This project intend to accomplish the following needs: create for the pupils the opportunity to practice the knowledge acquired within ICT class; to use certain graphic software/printing tehchnology; to develop basic skills training specific to the Graphic Designer profession; to create a connection between curriculum and employer requirements; to have a direct contact to the futures employers; to develop competence of self management and personal and interpersonal skills required by employers, to obtain certification of the copentences optain during practical trainning seesions.The achievement of these needs is gain though the next objectives: developing the key competencies in Graphic Design domain ithrough a practical training programe with the duration of three weeks; create the opportunities to practice their acquired knowledge within ICT class in practical training sessions; acquire technical skills to use the specific specialized softs and graphic tehnologies; develop their creativity by creating quality graphical products; achieve skills of using modern technologies in the world of graphical products ; develop competences of self-management, personal and interpersonal skills; receive international certification for digital skills; be informed about the intercultural aspects of European civilization; develop multilingual skills in ITC framework. The main competencies that this project will develop are: technical development through different graphical programes; multilateral thinking skills acquired by varying graphical design language; create competence of logical and systematized thinking by developing practical applications in Graphic Design field; develop multilingual and intellectual competencies from IT area, entrepreneurial skill, linguistic competencies in ICT framework. The tangible project results are: 4 graphic portofolios which will collect the most representative products created during the period of the practical trainning programe; 4 tutorials witch will explain the process of creation of the most important products created durring the trainning programe; 4 workshops which will explote the 4 tutorials(ex. How to create a booklet) As a result of this project, pupils will obtain the Europass Mobility Certificate and the Certificate of participation and recognition of the competencies acquired during the trainning period.
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