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BEAM meets European Junior Branch
Start date: Jan 16, 2016, End date: May 15, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CISV Germany e.V is one of the largest nonprofit organisations in Europe for international children and youth exchanges and also umbrella organisaton of all German CISV chapters. CISV Germany e.v. is hosting a conference about youth participation on a national, european and global level in Berlin from March 23rd until March 28th 2016 in Berlin. The 60 participants are youth delegations in between 15 to 25 years from 15 european and neighbouring countries. They represent self-governing youth groups of their CISV association and will meet the decision takers of the national representatives of the CISV region "Europe Middle-East and Africa Regions (EMEA)" to discuss, how youth participation in CISV on a national, european and global level is curently implemented, how it should be implemented and how it should be improved and supported. They will also discuss the possibilities of youth participation in general in each country, how to strengthen and support youth participation on different levels and neccessary changes of the organisational structure to improve the current situation. Background of the project is the wish of the youth for more participation on all levels of CISV and an organisational review from 2011.Following the motto "Active Gloval Citizenship" as principle of all CISV activities we want to set youth participation as the priority on this conference and support the youth to particiate and engage also outside the network as active citizens for their interest.The goal is to empower youth to take responsibility for their interests and develop strategies on how to implement youth participation best in organisations, how to improve the cooperation between different countries and what competences of youth need special development to empower them. Following the non-formal learning motto DO-REFLECT-GENERALIZE-APPLY all participants rake an active part in every CISV session, befor reflecting upon their actions and exeriences. They generalize the activity on a larger level and society and and discuss possible individual actions to apply the outcome. Simulations, role play, discussions, games and creative activities are alternating depending on the activity and are chosen by TTT certified trainers (train The Trainers). The host and the partner organisations will share their best practices of youth participation and explore the different possibilities of youth participation. The idea is to to motivate the participants and the youth they reach, to engage also outside CISV in their local community on individual and political levels and to step up for their own interests. The youth also should see themselves as active members of the society and understand, that they can have an influence on the development of their community. The goal is also to imform, motivate and train youth to cooperate with youth from other countries outside their neighbourhood and to start their own activities. The participants develop an awareness of chances and challenges of youth in the different countries. This offers many starting points for the development of common projects.
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8 Partners Participants