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Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The youth exchange "BE CRE8TIVE" will bring together 40 young people from 5 different European countries to compare their perspectives on the topic of unemployment and employability. We believe that youth unemployment is a serious problem that has serious consequences at the social, economic, political as well as individual level. Although youth unemployment is generally around twice higher than the general unemployment, it has become much worse during the current economic crisis. This youth exchange will make young people reflect about what are the causes of unemployment, what it means for an individual and how to increase one's employability. Young people will come from different countries (Luxembourg, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland and Macedonia) with different situations and backgrounds, and they will be able to compare their perspectives regarding the topic of unemployment.The over-arching aim of the youth exchange is to inspire young people, motivate them to think seriously about their employability and emphasize the importance of developing one's key competences in order to succeed on the labour market. The youth exchange should also develop the entrepreneurship competence of participants and strengthen their sense of initiative. We will show that entrepreneurship can be a way out of unemployment but also that entrepreneurial mindset is important in almost every job even as an employee.The methodology of the youth exchange will include various activities like small-group and plenary discussions, open space methodology, simulation games, participative exercises and individual presentations. The main feature of the programme will be a innovative simulation, where young people will need to come up with their own initiatives or business ideas, think them through, present them and even implementing a small part of them. The programme will develop various key competences of participants. We will also concentrate on recognition of non-formal education through various tools to make young people realize what they have learnt and train to present these acquired competences to other people (like during a job interview).Apart from that, the youth exchange will also be a unique chance to get to know more about other cultures and other European countries, make new friends from all over Europe, discover the European cultural diversity and feel more like a European which we believe is very important, even more nowadays with the actual tensions that we know.

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