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Be (Business enterprise ) Inspired

The Be (Business Enterprise) Inspired Project aimed to promote business enterprise and entrepreneurship for adults with intellectual disabilities (AID), in a way that was both innovative and inspiring. The project enabled the partners involved in the project to take an existing award winning Business Enterprise programme tailoring it to meet the needs of adults with intellectual disabilities, as their was currently no programme available for AID of this type. This programme exposed trainees to entrepreneurial thinking, action and real life problem solving. The Be Inspired Project focused on identifying, documenting, and disseminating best practice in business enterprise and entrepreneurship for people with intellectual disabilities across Europe. OBJECTIVES:-- To develop an accredited business enterprise programme for AID that aimed to make self-employment a real option and also inspired entrepreneurial spirit and thinking - To develop an enterprise / entrepreneurship course that promoted entrepreneurial thinking, action and real life problem solving for trainees with disabilities.- To Identify, document, and disseminate best practices for entrepreneurship education and thereby increasing AID understanding, appreciation, and support of enterprise. The project also strengthed existing programmes and articulated future needs for entrepreneurship education for AID within the EU.- To promote self employment as a valid career option for people with disabilities- To provide a course on leaving school to advance skills and learning for AID away from traditional paths.The BE INSPIRED project was promoted using an innovative approach to business enterprise amongst the target group but also in the diversity and experience of the partners representing three organisations who were delivering services forpeople with disabilities, two Further Education Colleges, and a specialist multi-media consultancy SME. Each partner was selected for:- Their specific VET expertise- Experience in working with AID- Experience in the delivery of European funded programmesThe overall tangible outcome of the project was the development of an accredited business enterprise course for people with intellectual disabilities using multi media and blended learning. The impact of the project is it will produce a business enterprise programme based on existing materials and targeted at people with intellectual disabilities, which will be marketed effectively through networks including the European Union of Supported Employment and its member countries.Also the course term will be mainstreamed to further education colleges, and Vocational training organisations across Europe, and thereby increasing entrance to labour market.
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6 Partners Participants