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bbw südhessen - Wien Work: Wiederaufnahme der bewährten Kooperation
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Wien Work integrative Betriebe und AusbildungsgmbH offers a professional training scheme called ‚Integrative professional training‘. Approx. 160 adolescents with special needs take part in apprenticeship programms in 9 different vocations. All participants must feature a disability ascertained by the Vienna Equal Opportunities Act (Wiener Chancengleichheitsgesetz). Although Wien Work has the character of a training establishment it does not resemble a trainingsworkshop. The fact that the training programm is embedded in the business enterprise ensures a practice orientated education and therefore heightens the chances of employability in the first labour market.Another important criterion for succesful integration into the labour market is the readiness for occupational mobility. The most important intention of this project is to encourage this readiness for mobility in our young participants. Furthermore we intend to widen the definition of the occupational profiles given by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. The trainees achieve skills and proficiencies they would not have come across in their home country.In addition the importance of the ‚European Idea‘ is intended to be emphasized by taking part in such a mobility project. The participants can at least vaguely discern how their national and cultural identity is linked with the European identity. They get the chance to experience the multi cultural and socio-economic dimension of the european society.Next to the purpose of achieving knowledge of regional specific work methods the other important aim is the positive effect gained by such an experience on the personality of the participants.Similar mobility projects Wien Work has conducted so far have all shown a significant growth of self esteem in the young participants. This is especially important regarding to the fact that this target group of disabled young people often suffers from feeling set back from other members of their age group by participating in a special integrative training programm – with an extended programm duration. A long term benefit results from the multiplier effect caused by the accounts of their experiences and adventures to their peers.As difficult as it was in the beginning to find volunteers for mobility projects now there is high demand for participation.This time 12 participants are projected to be sent to our partner organisation: Gastronomy: 2 participantsCarpentry: 4 participantsBuilding cleaners: 2 participantsLandscape gardener: 1 participantPainter: 1 participantLaunderer: 2 participants
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1 Partners Participants