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BBA Oldenburg - Let's go Europe!
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BBA Oldenburg (an initial vocational school in Germany) wants to convey new inspirations and experiences to its students and lecturers. Students and lecturers shall be able to establish ties with European colleagues and participate in European networks. Necessities for the planned experiences are generated by changes in society (Europe 2020 strategy) and health systems (Health 2020 strategy) all over Europe. The participants are to improve important skills (job-related and soft skills) through mobility. They shall communicate and interact with colleagues in Europe and deal cross-border with current professional and societal themes. The participants acknowledge lifelong learning and mobility as job-relevant themes in the EU. The expectance in dealing with European themes is that the participants identify themselves with the EU and act as active EU-Citizens. To achieve the mentioned goals, ten participants of the BBA Oldenburg will undertake a mobility activity abroad. Eight students in their first year of training will take part in a fieldwork placement in a European country. Two lecturers of the BBA will participate in a Meeting of the "European Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education" (ENOTHE) in Nijmegen. The Experiences of the participants are evaluated afterwards. Gained knowledge and competences are integrated in the further vocational training.
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