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Bauen in Europa 2014
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is the Knobelsdorff-school’s intention to provide for each student or trainee the opportunity to experience at least one stay abroad during the vocational training or schooling. Furthermore, it is the interest of the Knobelsdorff-school to offer teachers and trainers the opportunity to present their training structures and training methods to European partners. By providing stays abroad teachers get the chance to enhance their knowledge by sitting in on the partners’ institutions or rather assist or give lessons themselves. The project’s aim is to enable empirical values, such as: • The acquisition and improvement of professional, social and intercultural skills. • To communicate in a foreign language and to orientate oneself in different environments. • To become a qualified and flexible labour on the European job market already acquiredduring vocational training. • To develop the partnership between the project partners. The project groups are made up of 41 students and trainees from the 2nd and 3rd year of vocational training. As well, there are 11 teachers and trainers of the Knobelsdorff-school. The activities of the members reach from three-week internships to three-week workshops and multi-week stays abroad. The internships are completed by bricklayers, concrete workers, carpenters, roofers, construction mechanics or system mechanics and take place in the regions of the partners, e.g. Ebersteinska, Norrköping, SE and ZAWM, St. Vith, BE. The three-week workshops can take place at the concentration camp Mauthausen Memorial / Upper Austria. There, trainee joiners have the chance to work on structure-preserving measures. The multi-week workshops abroad provide for trainers and teachers the ability to exchange their knowledge and to gain experiences by assisting and giving lessons themselves at foreign institutions. The workshops can be held at HTBLVA, in Villach and AT und MCAST, in Malta. There are English courses provided for trainers and teachers travelling to Malta, in order to enhance their language skills. The realisation of the project generally begins with a selection of the applicants. The choice is made by the involved trainers and teachers. For the case that there are more applicants than available positions the previously chosen participants make a selection. However, the number of participating teachers and trainers is restricted, by reasons of limited numbers of available teachers. Therefore, a close cooperation by schools’ department heads is necessary to select suitable participants. The professional, linguistic, intercultural and organizational preparation for the stay abroad almost always takes place at Knobelsdorff-school itself. Thereby, the participants are intensely involved themselves in the organisation and preparation of their stays abroad. The workshop members at the site ‘concentration camp Mauthausen Memorial’ receive an extra preparation concerning the history of the site. In addition the workshop members are supervised by specially trained educators during the stay. After the arrival, all participants are greeted and welcomed, instructed and supervised by representatives of the project partners. It is the challenge for all participants and accompanying persons to cope with completely new situations, locations and conditions. At the end of each project an act of evaluation takes place, with at least one project manager of Knobelsdorff-school. The time the students and trainees spent on a project abroad is acknowledged as ‘training abroad’ by the Europass mobility. As well trainers and teachers get this Europass as an acknowledgement for their stay abroad and for their acquired skills. The sought goals of the projects, as well as the results and effects, in addition to the long-term benefits are manifold: • For the trainees and students: An increase in professional, social and intercultural skills is expected, which may be very helpful in their further education and in their future professional lives. There is also a rising openness for European mobility. • For the participating teachers and trainers: Besides an increase in social and intercultural skills, there is as well a gain in professional and methodological skills expected. • For the institution Knobelsdorff-school: The school profits by the rising students and also trainers’ competences made abroad. Such as: Commitment, increased foreign language skills and knowledge of new working methods and techniques.

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6 Partners Participants